
Chelsey Sarah & Andrew Henry



Andrew Henry Zandbergen


Chelsey Sarah Mathew

January 12, 2024

Orlando, FL

How We Met


Him: We first met in August of 2017, just in passing. She was back in America after having spent some time in Asia, and I was about to head to Asia. We did not interact much then, both focused on our personal next steps in life. The next time we met was in November of 2019 when I returned to Asia to visit others. We were connected to the same social circle and saw each other somewhat regularly over the 2 months I was there. Again, nothing developed. We were each heading in different ways. She was studying in Asia, and I was working for an Engineering firm in Canada. Fast forward to 2021, circumstances outside of myself led me to leave my engineering job behind and move to the USA for a short stint, with the hopes of returning to Asia. It was in the USA, that I reconnected with Chelsey as we shared the same social circle. It was during this time that I really began to notice Chelsey's amazing qualities. Not only did I discover how kind, considerate, caring, and beautiful she is (inside and out), but I also realized that we had common goals and vision in life, sharing so many of the values I hold dear. After being there for roughly two months, I remember calling my brother and telling him about this amazing girl in the USA. The following couple of months were spent with intentionally putting myself in the same space, hanging out with the same people, and trying to get to know her more. Christmas of 2021, I sent her home with a gift containing a note asking her on a date for when she returned in January. The rest is history. Her: Even though we met in 2017, our story begins in 2019. I was in Asia at that time and Andrew was planning to visit for six weeks and live with one of our mutual friends. Our mutual friends would rave about how upstanding Andrew was. I felt intimidated- I didn't want to say anything dumb! Andrew joined us for our Thanksgiving meal. After dinner, we started playing some games. Somehow, Andrew and I ended up sitting next to each other. I was so nervous! At first, I didn’t say much but slowly, I started to become less nervous and more like myself. Within a couple of minutes, Andrew and I were joking around and laughing together. At some point, I remember taking a good look at him and thinking “Hmm, interesting. Very interesting.” I was surprised by how natural our interaction was and how at ease I felt. Some of my roommates noticed this interaction and started teasing me about him when we got back home. But I brushed it off because I knew he was returning to Canada in just a couple of weeks. Our lives were going in different directions. Fast forward through the next year or so (the COVID years). I was still resolved to return to Asia and was moving in that direction! Andrew had also decided to leave his Engineering job and move to Asia! In the fall of 2021, unbeknownst to the other, we both moved to Rochester, NY. By this point, we had gotten to see each other a little bit more here and there. In Rochester, we hung around each other often and my feelings for Andrew grew more and more. He genuinely cared about Dad and people, had an outstanding work ethic, and was a natural leader, not to mention so handsome! After months of anticipation, lots of praying and wondering, right before I was heading back home for Christmas, Andrew gave me a small gift, saying “Don’t open this till Christmas day!” I obviously couldn’t wait till Christmas day, so I opened the gift right after I got home (OOPS). In the gift was a beautiful letter asking me on a date! I was so giddy and overjoyed!!! From our first date on, being with Andrew felt so easy, right, and natural. We shared similar values and interests and were both chasing after the same things. Although we had only known each other for a few months, being with him felt so familiar, it felt like home. I am so grateful to Dad for bringing us together :)

The Proposal


Him: I got down on one knee and asked. She said, "Yes". Her: We had been talking about getting married for a while at this point. I knew he was going to propose soon but I thought he was going to do it right before the semester started in August. Our friend, Toni, invited me to join her and some other friends for a girls’ lunch on this particular Sunday afternoon! We made the trek across the city to get to this friend’s home. “So, what’s Andrew up to today?” she asked me on our ride over. “I’m not sure. He might be playing some games with friends. I’ll see him for dinner, ” I replied. Little did I know, Toni was in on the surprise and she was so chill. I, on the other hand, had no idea what was about to go down. After our lunch, I texted him to let him know I was on my way home. He let me know he was also on his way to meet me. I got up to my apartment, let myself in and was about to take my shoes off when I noticed, laid out across my apartment were all these notes and candles. My immediate reaction was “oh my goodness, what is this? Is this what I think it is?!?!” Andrew had posted notes (like a scavenger hunt) all over my apartment and I had to run around reading them. The final clue told me to go look outside and there, my final surprise would be waiting for me! When I opened the door, there he was waiting on one knee! Oh, the joy!!!! :D

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