Matron of Honor
Jane’s cousin. Built in friend who also happens to love rom-coms, candles, and getting the giggles at inappropriate times. Apparently fills in for Vanna White on Wheel of Fortune on the side.
Best Man
One of Mason’s oldest friends since middle school. If you sort through Mason’s old photos, you’d think he and Eric were practically partners before Jane came along. Eric is open to anything, taking everything in stride and always there to back you up.
The razzle AND the dazzle! One of Jane’s oldest friends and shared owner of a Firestone tandem bicycle. Ask her about their childhood crafts.
Mason's brother and the one that binds them all together. Always keeps things on pace and civil, but not without stirring the pot just a bit more. He has a lot of heart, and sick dance moves, so be sure to check them out!
Mason's sister (second youngest sibling) and the most laid-back of the bunch, but that’s not to say she’s inactive. Give her any reason to be outside, and she’s down for an adventure. If you're looking for diet recommendations, she'd be more than happy to share her new career tips as a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist.
Jane's brother. Don't let him fool you, he's the baby of the family and knows how to work it. Shared bonding point with Mason.
Mason’s sister (the oldest sibling) and the most passionate of the group. Her high energy and drive are infectious, which will inspire you to do better yourself. When Tara sets her sights on something, she simply gets things done.
Jane's brother, the oldest sibling. Jane will always look up to him despite him locking her in a closet when she was two.