
Cassidy & Mason

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Anne Gleason

Matron of Honor

Anne & I went to college together and both moved to Washington, DC, after college! We became roommates and our friendship grew even closer. We’ve been through it all together from building our careers, horrible dates, and eventually finding our husbands. Our favorite activity is grabbing a coffee and strolling through shops all afternoon. We also love a good cocktail bar. I will cherish these times forever. Anne is the most generous, kind, and loving friend you will ever know. I am so honored to have have her by my side on our big day!

Abbie Nichols

Maid of Honor

Abbie & I met in high-school! I had just moved back to Annapolis, MD, and I didn’t know anyone on the bus. Abbie asked me to sit with her (twice because I was too shy the first time) and introduced me to all of her friends. We have been friends ever since and both independently chose to go to college at High Point. Abbie has been by my side through my hardest days, kidney stones, and many tears but also to celebrate my happiest moments. She is the most loving, accepting, genuine person you’ll ever meet and it’s an honor to have her my by side on our big day!

Tricia Spires


Tricia and I met in college! We both lived in Northern Virginia after college and our friendship grew even closer! Tricia would drive to my apartment after work, be showered and getting ready to go out by the time I got home from work. These were the best nights! We survived many Arlington bars and restaurants, terrible dates, and getting $100 bills put on our table at Coopers Hawk. Tricia is my 9pm bedtime and 6am workout buddy but I’ll never have as much energy as her. She is the most joyful, fun, encouraging and positive person you will ever meet and I am honored to have her by my side on our special day!

Hannah Huemme


Hannah and I met in college! We were roommates in college and became super close friends. Hannah moved to DC after college and our friendship stayed close. Hannah kept me accountable to my faith throughout college and post college. We attended church together in DC most Sundays and was always there to remind me to fight my problems through prayer. Hannah and I are always catching up during long car rides or during work travel days. Hannah is the most loyal, honest, and strong person you will meet and I am so honored to have her by my side!

Kathryn Desiderio


Kathryn and I met in college! Kathryn was my “big” in our sorority, Kappa Delta. After college, Kathryn and I visited each other often, sharing many fun memories between DC and NYC. We love a fun rooftop bar in NYC and walking around and exploring new areas! Kathryn brings the laughter to every room and is the first to celebrate others! She is the most energetic, passionate, kind and loving person you will ever meet and I am so honored to have her by my side on our big day!

Gabby Cunningham


Gabby is my sister in law (bless her) and so we met through my brother, Kyle! Gabby is a welcome addition to our family and does an amazing job of putting up with our craziness, even when our entire family showed up to their house in Hawaii and quickly filled it for a week! Gabby is patient but always down for a good time and she loves and supports my brother endlessly. I could not ask for more for him. I am so honored for her to stand by my side on our special day!

Kyle Cunningham


Kyle is my younger brother by two years but also my life long best friend. We were blessed to be a military family and move to new places often throughout our childhood. Through each move, Kyle was my best friend (and only friend at times) and our bond is eternal. Kyle is easy going, energetic, thoughtful, fun, and brings the laughter and party wherever he goes. I couldn’t stand at the altar without him by my side.

Kaleb Cunningham


Kaleb is my younger brother by six years. Kaleb was my real life baby when I was a little girl, and the answer to my prayers for another baby brother. Now, Kaleb is my life long best friend. Kaleb keeps us all in line and is not patient with our chaos. He is smart, witty, humble, and always down for a good time. He knows the perfect time to make the perfect joke. I am eternally grateful to God for his answered prayer in Kaleb. I could not stand at the alter without Kaleb by my side.

For all the days along the way
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