When Blake began planning a trip back home to Texas, and Maria decided to stay back due to her own hectic travel schedule, Blake knew that he had the perfect opportunity to give Maria a surprise of a lifetime... Blake left to Texas on Tuesday, April 25th and told Maria (and their two dogs, Georgia & Texas!) he was returning on Monday, May 1st. Little did Maria know that Blake went to pick up the most gorgeous engagement ring and was on a flight back to Washington, D.C. by Thursday. He stayed in a hotel Thursday night and anxiously waited for Friday to roll around so he can start forever with Maria. When Maria woke up on Friday morning, all she was planning for was a wonderful evening hanging out with her best friend Tandy and his parents visiting from out of town. On Friday afternoon Maria got ready, braved the D.C. rainy weather, and headed to the Capitol to meet up with Tandy. As soon as she arrived Tandy turned to her and said "Let's go to the Jefferson Memorial, my parents have never been!", to which Maria exclaimed, "Oh my goodness that is my favorite memorial!" Maria was a bit confused as to why the group was going to the Jefferson Memorial in the rain but really didn't think twice about it. When the group got into the Uber, Maria looked at Tandy dead in the face and asked "Is Blake going to propose at the Jefferson Memorial?" but Tandy played it cool and reassured Maria that he was in fact in Texas, and they both laughed it off. When the group arrived at the memorial, Maria had to call Blake to tell him the funny story about her suspicions... and just make sure he was really in Texas.... When Blake got the call he calmly texted Maria "I'll call you back in just a minute, baby!" and Maria thought nothing of it. Then Maria looked up from her phone and saw the love of her life standing at the top of the stairs and immediately knew what was happening! As you all know by now, Maria cried and hugged Blake and couldn't believe her very eyes. She was over the moon as Blake dropped to one knee and asked her to marry him. She couldn't have said "yes!" fast enough. It's pretty easy to say that Maria & Blake have been in complete bliss since!