This hotel is an approximately 10 minute drive from the venue. Guests may reserve by calling the hotel directly at 330-523-5000 and providing the group name "Zach Novak Wedding". Rooms have been blocked for Friday and Saturday night and will be released on 7/1. Please reserve ahead of that date.
Discount Code - ZNW
This bed and breakfast is located within the Cuyahoga Valley National Park and is an approximately 8 min drive from the venue.
Travel Note
We are offering vouchers for guests to get to and from the venue using the Uber app. These vouchers are good between 7/15/23 at 1:00pm to 7/16/23 at 1:00am. Ahead of booking your uber, you must add the voucher code in your wallet (found in settings). The code is: rhWkT6U2M6y