So, it is quite the story! Marissa and Caroline started talking for a short bit of time. It just so happens that Marissa is quite possibly the worst texter on the planet! Things dulled down a bit, until one day, Caroline posted a photo at a concert. It happened to be their favorite band Phantogram! They were playing a sold out show at the venue where Marissa was a bartender. Marissa broke out of her comfort zone and commented on Caroline's Instagram post talking about how they had attended the same show unknowingly and should hang out soon. A night of homemade pizza and a pack of craft beer quickly ensued, which ultimately ended up at Madtree. Marissa made the safe decision to stay the night after a few delicious beverages.... and honestly never left! The couple spent four whole months (GASP) commuting 26 miles each way to spend time together until Marissa made the best decision of her life to move to Norwood. They purchased their first home together nine months later in a city that claimed their hearts and have never looked back.