Regardless of whether you are a male or female visitor, you should never show up to a Sikh wedding wearing shorts of any length. Legs should never be exposed. Wearing see-through clothing or exposing too much of your midriff is not a good idea. Sikh weddings are always exciting and colourful affairs. You can wear any colour you choose and be as brilliant and bold as you like. The only thing to keep in mind is that you should never wear black or white apparel. In the Sikh community, these two hues are always associated with colours to wear to funerals. For females, a traditional Punjabi dress is ideal (avoid the colour red) and for males traditional Punjabi/ethnic clothing or a suit is acceptable.
If you are coming to the gurdwara in the morning and are not staying at a hotel nearby changing rooms will be available at Hazlewood Castle.
Majority of people have booked to stay at the Ramada in Leeds - however other options are available (see accommodation section)