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Thank you to those who have RSVP'd. If you need to update your response, please reach out to us.
May 27, 2023
Isleton, CA

Rachel & Trevor

    Where the Heart is

We're getting married!

Trevor Yerkes


Rachel Mak

May 27, 2023

Isleton, CA

A Note from Trevor

Hey, it’s Trevor, the groom. Thanks for looking at our website! This is the best page on the site, because this is where I tell you why this wedding is happening. In short, this wedding is happening because Trevor and Rachel keep finding new TV shows to be obsessed with, and sharing subscriptions is easier when you live together. In long, this wedding is happening because I am truly, madly, deeply in love with the woman known as Rachel Mak. She seems to like me, as well, and said yes when I presented her with a bejeweled circular band of metal. Before Rachel, I liked driving places alone as well as listening to every podcast and audiobook in existence. Speaking of places to drive to, I am from the south part of California. Rachel is not from the south part of California, which might lead an astute reader such as yourself to wonder: how did Mr. Fallbrook and Ms. Stockton meet? Despite attending the same college at the same time with the same undergraduate major—not to mention completing a Master’s program in the SAME DEPARTMENT—I never knowingly crossed paths with Rachel until after we both left UC San Diego. This is likely because I was too busy driving out to the desert for no reason, while Rachel was too busy rushing to a shift at Urban Plates. If you’ve blocked 2020 out of your memory, you are not alone. There are many reasons one might deny the existence of 2020, but allow me to provide (partial) redemption: Rachel Mak and Trevor Yerkes met in July 2020. A mutual friend learned that both Rachel and I would be moving to the San Francisco Bay Area to teach for the upcoming school year, and introduced us newly-minted educators to one another via text. (The mutual friend—who will remain nameless for fear that others will pursue his matchmaking skills—insists that he had no romantic designs with the introduction.) Given that we were both raised on Disney-style “boy-meets-girl” love stories, it should come as no surprise that Rachel and I both began a journey of thinly-veiled mutual infatuation. This came first as strings of late night texts with unusual depth, betraying our ostensible status as “casual friends.” Furthermore, our first (masked, COVID-safe) hangout contained a dangerous amount of “date” energy as Rachel drove me around her hometown of Stockton and showed me little slices of her vibrant life. Within the month of August 2020, we started our first year of teaching, hiked in the redwood trees and on the beaches of Point Reyes, celebrated my twenty-third birthday, and became an “item.” By early 2021—at which point I had been vetted and approved by the majority of Rachel’s friends and family—the decision was made that we would seek housing together; thus began the present era of becoming savvy meal-planners, weekly errand-runners, and avid road-trippers. Our life together is many things, but most of all, it is full of joy. In light of this joy, I asked Rachel to marry me. In light of this joy, Rachel said “yes.” We are honored that you have been a part of our journey, and we hope that you are able to take part in this joyous step forward.

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