Maid of Honor
She volunteered to sit next to me in first grade when I was the "new girl" and also volunteered herself to be my BFF forever. Maria will give it to ya straight, be the last one to judge you, first one to laugh at you, and always makes sure everyone gets home safe at the end of the night.
Best Man
Manny became my friend on his first day at Best Buy. His English was shaky and he had a long ponytail but there were few things we didn't both love. From Pizza and gaming to TV shows Manny and I were bound to be friends from day one. From moving across the country to Arizona together on a whim, to his wedding in Guatemala I can say we have been around the block together a few times and I couldn't ask for a better more loyal friend than Manny.
Matron of Honor
Kendal! My ride or die since '09. (Once I stopped hating her) Kendal is a go-getter, a loyal friend, and always down for a good time! Kendal once made me switch seats with her from the drivers seat on a highway, maced herself with my pepper spray, and always brings a change of clothes when the laughter gets out of control if ya know what I mean.
The Greens moved in down the street when I was two years old. From that point onwards Bryant Green has been one of my greatest friends. From driving to Dave Matthews concerts to getting pulled over after bonfires by half the police force, Bryant has been by my side. If you looked at the trouble making wild child he was as a kid you would be shocked to see the man he has become now. A strong man of faith, a loyal husband, and a fierce friend.
She is steadfast, she is joy, she is grace. Rachel never passes up an opportunity for cake, to let someone know they are loved, or a good book. As a chai aficionado, Rachel is my favorite coffee date and one of my best gals.
Whenever I just need to kill an hour of time I call Stan. He has been a great friend, an easy laugh, and a great advisor. Stan always has a story to tell and never has it not been worth the listen. I've watched him grow from being a teenage metal head to being a grown up Florida Man. Stan has always had a glass of whiskey and a cigar ready for me anytime we are able to cross paths and I'm always looking forward to the next wild story.
Hayley is my travel buddy, down to try all the new things, and always fuels my giggles at all the wrong times. Hayley gives with no expectation, wears her heart on her sleeve, and will life chat at any time.
From car shows in Michigan to roomates in Arizona. There are few people who I can truly act as silly and weird as I want around and Tony is one of them. From late night runs for burritos to shooting flamethrowers in parking lots Tony has been a true and good friend to me.
If you're friends with Holly B you know you have the most fun loving, truth seeking, spontaneous, trustworthy, fearless, supportive, selfless, supportive friend... & if you're not friends with Holly B, wyd?
Older cousins rarely want to hang out with their younger cousins. Matt never had that reservation. From driving around in his Blazer with subwoofers and letting me listen to uncensored rap music to taking me to every single Lord of The Rings premier Matt has been like an older brother to me. Our age gap always set him in the position of being someone to look at as an example and as a role model and Matt never once did Matt disappoint. From being a fun cousin to being a great student, to being an amazing father, Matt has always set an example and I'm proud to call him family.
Acquaintance turned roommate turned friend for life. Brittney meets you in the valleys and on the mountaintops. She's my favorite "Netflix & order in Friday night", "let's throw a party", "a whole bottle of wine later" person. Could not imagine my wedding day without "my mom".
This guy was my go-to goomba. From samurai sword fights in the driveway to street racing in our slow cars, we were always up to no good. Michael is one of the few people in the world can make me laugh until I can't breathe. The amount of stupid phrases and sayings we made up could fill a book. I'm so proud of the man he's become and I couldn't ask for a better friend to be standing next to me on this important date.
Emma is always down for a dance party, scary movie, or a FaceTime date. Emma is fearless, kind, and competitive. You can always count on a fire playlist when Emma has the Aux. So grateful we get to call Emma our sister!
Scott is Hannah's cousin but you will never hear me say that. From the first time we met at family Thanksgiving he has been my cousin. Hannah's family often jokes saying I'm only joining the family for Scott, but Scott is not just family, he is a loyal friend. From 2 AM gaming sessions on work nights to breaking down in the middle of the desert Scott has been there to make me laugh, get his hands dirty, and just be a great friend.