October 21, 2022
Capay Valley, CA

Maggie & Joshua

    meet the party people!

meet the party people!

Rachel and David Truesdell

Mother and Father of the Groom

Patti and Tom Donnegan

Mother and Father of the Bride

Molly Fox

Matron of Honor

Meet my Matron of Honor, Molly. Words cannot describe her influence in my life. She has the brains and the beauty. This lady is an encourager, counselor, protector, role model and my older sister. Twenty-three years of friendship and as we've grown older, she truly has become my best friend. She has taught me how to be a teammate in a marriage and how to unconditionally love one’s spouse. Molly has been by my side since day one. She has always been there to dream with me, while keeping me grounded. We often laugh until we cry and cry until we laugh. These are the moments we have dreamt of since we were little, and I cannot believe it is finally here.

Annie Mimick

Maid of Honor

Annie and I became friends because she may or may not have sneaked a peak at one or two of my history assignments in the sixth grade. We quickly went from friends, to best friends, to sisters. In our middle school years we got a little confused about whose family was whose. We were and arguably still are the ultimate battery package. We come as a pair. Our friendship has lasted through high school and college with nearly 600 miles between us. Every time we're together it is like no time has passed. I have been blessed by her friendship for eleven years now. Annie, I am glad we are now old enough to own our own yoga mats.

Keighan Miller


Keighan who is better known as Keighs in my family, was my very first friend at Grand Canyon University. She lived right next door to me freshman year and by the end of our first semester she practically lived on my couch because why not. We bonded over movies, slurpees, snack, tanning at the pools after class and hockey. She was the first of my friends to meet Josh and she looked at me and said, "you're going to marry this guy." Three years later, turns out she was right. This girl has a heart of gold. She is there to make you laugh, comfort and pray with you all in a span of five minutes. She is like a sister to me and I am proud to have her stand by my side as I say "I do."

Jesse Johnson


Jesse and I became friends 8 years ago. I wanted to be friends with this girl immediately. There is just something about Jesse that draws you to her. Jesse and I grew close during our time in youth group and we quickly became inseparable. I have never felt more confused then the moment in the middle of the night when we were woken up by rustling outside our tent. We looked at each other with fear in our eyes, only to notice moments later that it was just her cow. She constantly encourages me, prays with me and pushes me to be the best I can be. I have looked up to her for a long time and am blessed to have her always at my side.

Cassidy Donnegan


Cass is married to Thomas, my older brother. Since the first moment I met her, I loved her. She has been a sister to me for 7 years now. We initially bonded over coffee, leggings, and sweatshirts. We now bond over wine, our pups and still sweatshirts. Thomas likes to joke that he is the awkward third wheel when Cass and I are together. You know this is true by the simple fact that I would fly down to Texas to visit her even when my brother was out of the country. I am beyond blessed to have her as my sister. I love you Cass.

Grace Freeburg


Grace played a big part in Josh and my relationship, somewhat unknowingly. Conveniently enough, Gracie lived on the same floor as me the year Josh and I started dating. As he was going over to visit his little sister, I would offer to let him in and hurry to the door to say ‘hi.’ So, thanks Gracie. Grace has a tremendous heart for her family. She loves her people, and she will protect them. I’m grateful that I have passed the sister test. I am so excited that I get to be a part of your family and cannot wait for all the adventures to come.

Zac Wysoglad

Best Man

Zac and I met freshman year of college at GCU. A bond over Chick-fil-A and both hating our respective roommates quickly led to us spending most of our time together. Sadly, Zac was a ‘one and done’ college star, as he likes to say, and had to return home to Chicago. There he was helping take care of his amazing family, specifically his father Tom (who will be at the wedding 😊) because he was in a tough fight with cancer. This news hit hard for both of us because we thought we were losing each other as best friends before it really got started. Little did either of us know, my mom would be diagnosed with cancer a week after our freshman year ended. We thought cancer was ending a friendship, but it turned into the glue that made our friendship so important. Zac and I have been there for each other through it all; sad, happy, scared, and hopeful. I wish I had a better word than “best” to put before his title because Zac has been better than a best man, he is family to me, and I cannot wait for y’all to meet him.

Jarred Truesdell


I was not lucky enough to have a brother growing up, but I was fortunate enough to have a cousin that has always felt like a brother. Jarred grew up a military kid, so sometimes he lived an hour away and other times he lived on the other side of the planet, but when we were together it rarely felt like time passed at all. Jarred moved from a rock in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean to Dixon to attend college when I was in middle school. He was supposed to live with my grandparents, but that quickly turned into his stuff being around the corner with them, while he stayed at my house most nights. While his time in California might have been short, I have always felt like we grew up together and I am proud when I hear him say Dixon feels like home. Jarred has been the honorary third child in my family since his stay with us and I am honored to count him as a brother and to have him stand with me at my wedding.

Andrew Foster


Growing up in a small town and attending a tiny school can be tough on the new kid. Andrew showed up halfway through high school into a class of 40 kids. I will never forget standing by my locker, when my principal walked up to me and said to me, ‘Hey Josh, I’ve talked a lot with this new kid and I think the two of you would get along, you should go say hi.’ Still not sure how he knew, but he was right. Andrew and I quickly hit it off with our love for classic rock bands like Rush, playing poker at lunch, and trying to derail our government class with libertarian views. Through the years, Andrew and his family have taken care of me in tough times and they have been there for me whenever I need them. Many know him in my life as the Bee Guy. I really became part of the Fosters, (I am ¼ Foster and I honestly believe we are truly 5th cousins or something) when I spent a year working with his family at their Apiary, pollinating almonds. After work, Andrew and I would catch Kings games, probably once a week. This is easy when the tickets are $8 and you have not made the playoffs in 20 years, but I’m not bitter about that. I am looking forward to having Andrew by my side on my wedding day.

Luke Benton


Luke is one of the good guys in the world. He is dependable, loyal, and trustworthy. He is one of the most genuine people I know. One might describe him as having an old soul or as being kind of old fashioned. People often describe me in the same way, which is why our friendship is so important to me. Luke is always true to himself, and others’ opinions do not change that. In a world where I often feel out of place, I always feel right at home when I am with Luke. Much of what people see and hear from me today is inspired by Luke. He took me to shows and introduced me to some of my favorite bands, while showing me that you can have a beer or two, not six, and still have a great night. He is also the guy who then woke up early and was at church the next morning in the same boots as the concert the night before. He got me interested in Ag, which has led to a series of unique jobs that have taught me life lessons, while expanding my ability to speak Spanish. Luke has helped shape my life in ways neither of us will ever fully realize. I hope someday I get to raise a son in a small town similar to where Luke and I grew up, and I hope my kid is lucky enough to grow up with a friend like him.

Jacob Martinez


Jacob is the funniest guy I know, hands down, no doubt. There is never a dull moment with Jacob. He can brighten any room, or make it rather dark, just depending on the humor he chooses. Through some of the toughest and saddest stints of my life, this guy has never failed to put a smile on my face. I was homeschooled up until high school. Showing up to a new school freshman year can be tough; kids can be mean, and classes can be hard, but doing this as the ‘homeschool kid’ is terrifying. I will never forget how welcoming Jacob was to me and I will forever be grateful for that. Some of my favorite memories with Jacob include making a comic strip that we were able to continue to make for various assignments over the years. Jacob is also great with a camera, and I like to think that his skills all started back with our Spanish projects, where we always volunteered to make movies instead of writing papers. Somehow, we were always able to incorporate the cartel into our movies, even if the project was supposed to be about the weather, or a making a meal. Jacob can make any situation fun, he can brighten any day, and I will always count him as one of my best friends. I am honored to have him stand with me at my wedding and I am hoping he keeps it together up there and does not cause any laughs in the crowd.

Bryce Fox


For two guys who could not be more different, there are few people I get along with as well as Bryce. We bond over finding common ground in things we are both passionate about. When I first moved to Knoxville, little did I know, Bryce ran the bar down the street from my apartment. For better or worse, I quickly became a regular due to the Bryce Special, “Budweiser and cheeseburgers on the house.” My job was to keep the customers chatting until close. I’ll never forget the first time Bryce called me his brother-in-law while I was hard at work keeping customers chatting. We both sighed in relief when we realized we did not have to explain ever again how these two completely different dudes know each other. I’m excited to call you my brother, thank you for making me always feel like one long before I earned the title.

Thomas Donnegan


Even though I have not been able to spend much time with Thomas yet, the time we have had has always been filled with good conversation and typically an Avery beer. Thomas is always creating or trying to teach the family a new game, which is always a blast, until I realize I’ll probably have to cheat to keep up with the Donnegans. I am waiting for that Lego conquest game to be patented. I will always appreciate you welcoming me into the family and supporting Maggie and I as we start our life together. Thank you for trusting me with your baby sister.

Tanner Freeburg


People say nice guys never win, but that cannot be true because he got me as a brother, and he is one of the nicest guys I know. I guess Minnesota nice must be real. For a kid who likes IPAs and the heat as much as he does, you’d think he grew up by me. The better I get to know you, the more I realize we are pretty similar; even though that might terrify my sister. Maggie and I look forward to boarding your children for the summers and teaching them the right way to play duck-duck-goose. I was honored to stand with you in your wedding and I am proud to have you stand in mine.

For all the days along the way
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