YES! The new date will be Friday August 7th, 2020. It has been updated on the website. Location and time are all still the same
The hotel has taken the liberty to move your reservations to August 7th for you! You will still need to book your room by April 14th to get the discount.
The Carriage House is a part of the Manor House. It will say Manor House on the outside of the Location. To get to the Carriage House follow the driveway all the way back until you can’t drive any farther. There will also be signs posted.
Since the Carriage House is a part of the Manor House, type the Manor House into the GPS. The address is listed as follows: 7440 Mason Montgomery Rd, Mason, OH 45040
If you are having trouble trying to RSVP on our website you may contact Madeline at Please state all who will be attending and a song to be played at our wedding!
Please RSVP by June 1st. If you have not done so by then we will assume you are not coming.
We would appreciate if all phones and cameras were put away during the ceremony! Our photographer will be there to take pictures and you are more than welcome to take pictures during our reception.