Maddie's oldest little sister. Maddie met Erica shortly after she was born. The two are quite different in many ways, but Maddie loves that because she's learned so much from those qualities that she admires in Erica. They're pretty good friends today! Maddie and David love having Erica visit them in each new city they move to.
Maddie's little little sister. Maddie has also known Lindsey pretty much since she was born. Lin has, on a number of occasions, been Maddie's research assistant and like her other big sister, is a pretty good friend and a welcome addition to the Balman/Schantz household whenever she visits!
David's sister (and Maddie's newest little sister!). Maddie firmly believes you can't have too many siblings and luckily, David has 3 to share! Maddie met Erin when she first went home with David to meet his family and has loved talking with her and spending time with her whenever they visit!
Maddie's first college friend, honorary Balman family sister. Maddie met Kristina during orientation (they were in the same group). The two pretty quickly became best friends and were especially fond of going on dates to hibachi restaurants. Since then, they've had a number of adventures and been through many challenges together. You really couldn't ask for a better friend than Kristina.
Erin and Maddie also met in college on the William Smith XC team. Later, they went on to become roommates, repairing the hinges of their old bathroom door with flame patterned duct tape when necessary. Erin has been a great friend since then; she's the best combination of a talker and a listener.
Maddie and Micaela met in first year seminar. They later rocked the woodwind ensemble together and roomed together their junior year. She is a great person to take on a date to the movies, especially if you like oreos, and is always down for a dance party.
Maddie and Fatima took many sci/Spanish classes together and spent the summer doing research in Geneva (and making Wednesday trips to reggae night in Ithaca). For a brief window of time post-grad, they also had some NJ adventures together.
Xander and Maddie don't remember exactly how they met but they've been buddies ever since! He roomed with Maddie and Micaela their junior year. Xander is best known for driving everyone around (including to Reggae night) in his rusty trailblazer that had no radio and one Christian rock CD.
John and David (who's David?) met freshman year, through mutual friends on the frisbee pitch. Over the years, they bonded over shared interests such as golf, Fleet Foxes, and their hatred of Intermediate Accounting. They lived together for five years during and after college. John's a great guy, and tells a mean bear joke.
Joe and I also met playing frisbee freshman year (him and John were roommates) and lived together during and after college. Joe is a great friend (in general, and also to me), and can always be counted on. His Scrubs DVD's were a center piece of our collegiate entertainment (this was pre-Netflix). His favorite movie is The Mist. He currently resides in Rochester, NY.
Blah blah, met playing frisbee. Will has always been a source of unfiltered joy and entertainment, and our combined knowledge of Harry Potter is quite alarming. I have yet to best him in a real game of basketball, though I have beaten him in NBA Showtime on the N64. Although he was often too busy playing Battlefield during our senior year to hang out much, we remained close. I'm lucky to count him as a friend.
It was not until Mike returned from studying abroad 2nd semester junior year that we truly started to become friends. Part of the infamous 50 Court St. house w/ John, Joe, and Will our senior year, Mike is a kind boy with an infectious laugh. We are all thankful for the shirts he made us. Mike has lived abroad since graduating, but his returns to the US are the stuff of legend and our regular calls have kept us close.
The Eldest, though not the tallest, Schantz brother. Only a grade apart in school, David was often mistaken for Brian, though thankfully he set a good precedent with the teachers. This past year, I finally beat him at our annual Thanksgiving TurkeyBowl - fans were seen crying tears of joy at the fall of his dynasty. I still have his "T.I vs. T.I.P" CD in my car.
The Youngest Schantz brother. Jason had the misfortune of having two older brothers growing up, and survived his fair share of bumps and bruises (mostly from Brian). Jason gets his revenge on us on the golf course now. Jason also graduated from Geneseo and we've become closer this past year with him in NYC and me in NJ.
The newest little brother - Daniel has always welcomed me into his family and I'm fortunate to know him. Whether it's lighting off fireworks, setting up karaoke, or falling on his ass in the driveway, Daniel is a constant source of fun and laughter. His greatest ambition in life is to get me to look down at my shirt when he says I have something on it.