Whenever somebody has asked us how we met, we have always said through mutual friends. But here's the actual story of how we met (according to Chris) One summer, I was in North Carolina attending summer school at NCAT. During this time, the school sponsored trips through the summer for the students to attend. One of these trips was to the water park. Unbeknownst to me, I would see my future wife on the bus on the way to the water park, not in person but on instagram. While my close friend OJ was scrolling his instagram feed, Macille's picture caught my eye. I said, "Yo, who is that??" OJ explained how he knew her from high school but not well enough to introduce me to her. So the day goes on, and I'm enjoying the water park. I was looking and feeling good because this was one the first times I could really see my abs. OJ gets a video of us while we're in the water park and posts it on his instagram page (this is important for later). A couple of weeks later, Macille follows me on instagram and starts liking a lot of my pictures. Before instagram had dm's, there was only 2 ways to get somebody's attention, likes or comments. She utilized both! lol Initially, I acted oblivious to it because I didn't want to come off as too excited but eventually, I "slid into her comments" and asked her for her number. So I had to ask her how she found my page. It was thanks to OJ posting that video of us on his page that she found me. While she was scrolling IG, she saw the video of me and said "Yooooo, who is that fine specimen of a man?!" and just had to follow me. We were drawn to each other from day 1. I'm glad she followed me and I'm glad I slid into her comments.