
Maaheen & Sameer

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Lola, Nugget, Poppy Ahmed

Best Lady Cats

Maaheen's first loves before Sameer entered her life. Her original partners in crime. They are excited to join forces with their brother Kenny!

Kenneth Thecat Siddiqui

Best Cat

Kenny was adopted by Sameer from the Affogato Cat Cafe in 2021. He is named after Kenny Lofton, a baseball player Sameer grew up watching. Though he is originally from Cleveland, OH, after brief stays in Huron, Ohio and Ann Arbor, Michigan, he moved to Houston, Texas to be closer to his Dad. He has enjoyed adapting to Texas fashion.

Sobia Watson

Matron of Honor

Forced friends Sobia and Maaheen are celebrating 30 years of friendship this year. Sobia has always been there to support Maaheen through life’s hurdles, through thick and thin... bad haircuts, good nights and bad nights, everything in between.

Abraham Verdoes

Best Man

When Sameer was a sophomore in college, a young LeBron was leading a resurgence of the Cleveland Cavaliers. With limited cable TV access in his dorm, Sameer solicited help from a freshman whose dorm had a lounge with cable TV. Bram was kind enough to let Sameer into his dorm to watch basketball games and from there a friendship grew. Both making time to visit each other as each moved throughout the country in the years following college.

Olga Lee


Olga and Maaheen have been friends since sixth grade. Though they haven't lived in the same city since college, they have stayed in touch. There are no awkward silences or hesitations in making conversation. When they do see each other and chat it's as if no time has passed at all.

Joseph Yost

Best Man

Back in the middle school days, when Sameer was the little kid with big glasses and Joey had his slicked back hair, a tradition of sleepovers at each other’s houses began and a friendship started that has endured many a high school dance, moves all over the country and mutual support through Cleveland sports heartache. (Pictured above: Trip to 2007 NBA Finals)

Rachel Wilson


The vanilla bear to her chocolate bear, Rachel has been a pillar in Maaheen's life since medschool. It was friendship at first sight when they met in the line for ID photos. Maaheen was running late (not surprisingly) Rachel was there with her calming demeanor to ensure that everything was going to be okay.

Jeremy Powell


Jeremy is also one of Sameer’s friends from college. Jeremy returned to LA after college to work in the film/TV industry. Despite having very different journeys after college, Jeremy has always been an upbeat and supportive friend and Sameer has always loved hearing about Jeremy’s latest work on an upcoming movie or TV show.

Marian Oommen


Maaheen's favorite roomie! Marian and Maaheen bonded over the shared experiences of dodging Dr. Vavricka's pimp questions in the O.R. and packing their tornado "go-bags" together in Oklahoma City. Marian is one of the sweetest people on earth and was always at the ready for a binge session with a hot cup of chai in hand!

Ardian (Soca) Wibowo


On one visit to Indiana while Bram was in graduate school, Sameer met Bram’s housemate, Soca. With his warm and upbeat personality, Sameer and Soca found a quick friendship.

Georgie Cornell


Georgie and Maaheen met during Maaheen’s tenure as a KCU anatomy fellow during medical school. Georgie was undoubtedly one of the brightest students in the “purple” section, but it was her spirit that brought them together. Georgie and Maaheen quickly bonded over their shared love of cats and sense of adventure. No matter what unhinged plan has Maaheen devised, Georgie has been up for without hesitation.

Asad Butt


Sameer and Asad’s parents have known each other since before moving to the United States. Both families not only landed in the Cleveland-area together, but Asad and Sameer went to the same school together. Asad and Sameer have witnessed many historic Cleveland events together, such as LeBron’s first game against the Cavs as a member of Miami Heat and most importantly Game 7 of 2016 NBA Finals.

Mr. Asim Ahmed

Father of the Bride

Dr. Khalid Siddiqui

Father of the Groom

Mrs. Naghma Ahmed

Mother of the Bride

Ms. Mariam Zamindar

Mother of the Groom

Dr. Seher Siddiqui

Sister of the Groom

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