Yes! Valet is complimentary for wedding guests!
Yes! Check our travel page for hotel recommendations.
About 50 minutes on a good day! Be sure to give yourself plenty of time to make the ceremony. If you get there early there is a cafe and plenty of grounds to explore and horses to pet!
Um hello! Do you even know us?! Of course. And it's on the house so keep your wallet at home :)
Cocktail! But feel free to go all out -- the space certainly calls for it!
We love your kiddos just as much as you do. But we are trying to keep this a kid free zone so we can get rowdy! If it really is a problem for your travels please let us know and we can discuss alternate arrangements or ways to work it out :)
Great question! It's just us and our officiant Will up there on the day of. We have our best friends there getting ready but we're not making anyone do the chores or buy the required wear of a bride or grooms party! We want everyone to be comfortable and have a stress free time, including us!