Prior to meeting in person, Connor and Briana matched on Tinder in 2017 and all communication was in the form of snapchat. After that, they didn't talk for a few years until they saw each other in person at Holy Grail in downtown Cincinnati. Briana made the first move by going up to Connor's friend and asking if Connor was single. His friend then grabbed Connor to introduce them and they have been inseparable ever since!
Connor distracted Briana by making her think they were having a date night. He took her to Eden park where they had a picnic with Mios pizza and wine just like their first date in 2020. A photographer was wandering around the park taking pictures and came up to them and asked if they wanted free pictures because "she was there to take engagement pictures but the couple was running late". Briana fell for it and we started taking pictures by the waterfall. A few minutes in, the photographer convinced Briana to turn around to look across the pond and Connor took his moment and got down on one knee. Once Briana turned around, she was so shocked and Connor was so nervous he forgot to ask the big question, but of course she said yes! After the proposal, Connor had one surprise left and took Briana back to his parents house where all of their friends and family were waiting. Briana instantly started crying as soon as she saw everyone and it turned into the most perfect night full of celebrations with their loved ones!