Well it all started way back when.. way back when as in April 2018. Leah was in Pensacola, FL for a Bachelorette for her friend Christina (cue wedding party bridesmaid). While in Pensacola for her married-friend-to-be, Leah thinks "I too, could find love one day." So she went on over to Tinder to "holler" at the locals. She swiped right on who knows how many girls but one stuck out to her. The one with the profile picture as her drinking wine from the bottle at the gourmet Olive Garden (cue our cat). Breanna too was in Pensacola, FL this weekend. She was there for the 51st Annual Flora-Bama Mullet Toss with some of her friends. Whilst watching fish being tossed across the Florida Alabama state lines, she too swiped right. Leah and Breanna hit it off instantly, mostly because Breanna stole her heart with her opening line by Leah's all time favorite artist Taylor Swift. Breanna: Nice to meet you, where you been? I could show you incredible things. -Blank Space, Taylor Swift Leah: Oh my god I think I love you. And just like that Leah fell in love with Breanna. A many of weeks later, Leah drove 5 hours to South Alabama and they went on their first date. Guess where at? The Olive Garden.