May 9, 2021
New Orleans, Louisiana

Lindsay & Christopher




When should I plan to arrive in New Orleans?


It's up to you! If your schedule permits, we suggest making this a long weekend trip. Most guests plan to arrive Friday, May 7 so they have some extra time to explore the city. Lindsay and Chris plan to arrive Thursday, May 6 to take care of some outstanding items before guests arrive.


How do I get around the city?


Between Uber, Lyft, inexpensive street cars and/or your own two feet, you should be able to get around quickly and easily. Driving can be tricky in the French Quarter because many roads are closed off to vehicles to allow people to freely enjoy the lack of open container laws! Allow for extra time to get from place to place when taking Ubers. Please note, there is no parking at The Pharmacy Museum.


Is there a dress code for the wedding?


Ah, the age old dress code question. What does “cocktail attire” even mean? Do I need a jacket? Does my 13 year old suit still fit? Bottom line–we want everyone to be comfortable. New Orleans is warm and humid... this is the deep south, ya'll! Wear whatever makes you happy, with the understanding that some of our guests are really snazzy dressers and you most definitely will appear in a bunch of photos!


What safety measures are you taking?


The health and safety of our guests is our top concern and as such, we have opted to keep the guest count limited to a small number of close family and friends. The ceremony will take place outdoors and we will arrange the seating to allow for extra space between guests. We will have extra masks and sanitizer on hand. Chris, Lindsay, and most of our guests have already been vaccinated. Masks are required in New Orleans.


Can I bring a date?


Unfortunately, we cannot accommodate additional guests. See above.


Are there any other events that I should know about around the wedding?


We are considering an additional (optional) event like welcome drinks. Once decided, we'll add information to the "Wedding Day" section of this website.


What if I don’t feel comfortable traveling?


We understand that everyone’s level of comfort with traveling and gathering right now is deeply personal and varies greatly from person to person. There’s a good chance we share the same concerns as you. We made the decision to carry on as planned knowing that Covid cases in New Orleans are virtually non-existent at the present time. While we can’t guarantee safety at airports or on planes, we promise to provide safety precautions where possible, including: -a small guest list (we expect around 30 guests) -vaccines for Lindsay and for Chris -social distancing at the ceremony and at dinner -monitoring the latest safety guidelines for New Orleans and making decisions based on that info If you cannot/do not want to travel, please know that we wholeheartedly understand. We just ask that you let us know as soon as possible so that we have the opportunity to invite other guests!

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