February 3, 2018
Yaxcopoil, Yucatan


    Things To Do
Watercolor BrushstrokeWatercolor Brushstroke

Cosas por hacer I Things To Do

Mérida, the vibrant capital of the Mexican state of Yucatán, has a rich Mayan and colonial heritage. The city’s focal point is Plaza de la Independencia, bordered by the fortresslike Mérida Cathedral and white limestone Iglesia de la Tercera Orden, both colonial-era churches built using relics from ancient Mayan temples. The Casa de Montejo, a 16th-century mansion, is a landmark of colonial plateresque architecture. Find some things to do below:
Paseo de Montejo

Paseo de Montejo

Paseo de Montejo, Mérida, Yuc., Mexico

Da un recorrido a pie por el famoso Paseo Montejo, la avenida más larga (con poco más de 5 km) y hermosa de Mérida. Admira sus viejas casonas que datan de la época de la Colonia y del Porfiriato. ¡Te sorprenderán! Take a walking tour of the famous Paseo Montejo, the longest avenue in Merida (5 km). Just admire its old houses of the Colony and the Porfiriato. You will be surprised!

Museum Fernando Garcia Ponce-Macay

Museum Fernando Garcia Ponce-Macay

Mérida, Yuc. 97000, Mexico
, 01 999 928 3191

Visita el Museo Macay, ubicado a un costado de la Catedral. ¡Admira sus magníficas colecciones de objetos de arte que van desde piezas mayas hasta las complejas expresiones de artistas como gráficas, pinturas, acuarelas, esculturas y digital art! Visit the Macay Museum, located next to the Cathedral. Admire its magnificent collections of art objects ranging from Mayan pieces to the complex expressions of artists such as graphics, paintings, watercolors, sculptures and digital art!



Izamal, Yuc., Mexico

Escápate a Izamal, Pueblo Mágico de Yucatán, ubicado a tan sólo 67 km al este de Mérida. Ahí podrás conocer los restos de tres imponentes construcciones piramidales de la época maya, así como un fantástico Convento en cuyo atrio, el más amplio de Latinoamérica, SS Juan Pablo II ofreciera una magna misa en 1993. Escape to Izamal, Pueblo Magico de Yucatán, located just 67 km east of Merida. There you will be able to see the remains of three imposing pyramidal constructions of the Mayan era, as well as a fantastic Convent in whose atrium, the largest in Latin America, John Paul II offered a great Mass in 1993.

Chichén Itzá

Chichén Itzá

Chichén Itzá, Yuc., Mexico

Visita también la zona arqueológica de Chichén Itzá (una de las 7 maravillas del mundo), localizada a 120 km al este de la capital yucateca siguiendo por la autopista a Cancún. Visit also the archaeological site of Chichén Itzá (one of the 7 wonders of the world), located 120 km east of the Yucatan capital, following the motorway to Cancun.

Cuzama 3 Cenotes (Bolonchojul)

Cuzama 3 Cenotes (Bolonchojul)

Cuzamá, Yuc., Mexico

Por su peculiar geografía (suelos calizos en donde abundan cenotes), Yucatán es toda una invitación a explorar estas curiosas formaciones naturales que no son otra cosa que espejos de agua conectados de forma subterránea. En los alrededores de Mérida, te recomendamos aventurarte a conocer Cuzamá, donde después de un increíble recorrido en Truck (una especia de vagoncito tirado por mulas) podrás bañarte en las transparentes aguas de tres fantásticos cenotes. ¡No dejes de conocerlos! Because of its peculiar geography (limestone soils where cenotes abound), Yucatan is an invitation to explore these curious natural formations that are nothing more than water mirrors connected underground. In the environs of Mérida, we recommend you to know Cuzamá, where after an incredible trip in Truck (a spice of wagon pulled by mules) you can bathe in the transparent waters of three fantastic cenotes. Do not miss them!

Los Almendros

Los Almendros

Mérida, Yuc. 97000, Mexico
, 01 999 923 8135

Famoso restaurante de comida puramente yucateca que abre en el año de 1962 en la ciudad de Ticul, posteriormente abre en Mérida un restaurante para el año de 1972 desde entonces ofrece exquisitos platillos orgullosamente yucatecos. Están cómodamente ubicados en el centro. - Famous Yucatecan food restaurant opened in 1962 in the city of Ticul, later it opened in Merida in the year 1972. Since then it offers delicious dishes proudly Yucatecan. They are conveniently located in the center.

La Chaya Maya

La Chaya Maya

62 x 57 Centro Mérida, Mérida, YUC 97000, Mexico
, 01 999 928 2295

Famoso restaurante de comida puramente yucateca que abre en el año de 1962 en la ciudad de Ticul, posteriormente abre en Mérida un restaurante para el año de 1972 desde entonces ofrece exquisitos platillos orgullosamente yucatecos. Están cómodamente ubicados en el centro. - Famous Yucatecan food restaurant opened in 1962 in the city of Ticul, later it opened in Merida in the year 1972. Since then it offers delicious dishes proudly Yucatecan. They are conveniently located in the center.

Apoala mexican cuisine

Apoala mexican cuisine

Centro, Yuc. 97000, Mexico
, 01 999 923 1979

En frente del parque de Santa Lucia, este restaurante muestra el lado moderno y gourmet de la comida mexicana, ofrece mesas dentro del restaurante y en la terraza con vista a la ciudad de Mérida. - In front of Santa Lucia Park, this restaurant shows the modern and gourmet side of Mexican food, offers tables inside the restaurant and on the terrace overlooking the city of Merida.



Mérida, Yuc. 97000, Mexico
, 01 999 928 2451

El restaurante AMARO ofrece un ambiente sereno y sugestivo en el centro histórico de Mérida, con una gran variedad de platillos internacional y con opciones muy variadas para las personas vegetarianas. En este lugar puede acompañar su comida junto con música trova en vivo que tiene. - AMARO restaurant offers a serene and suggestive atmosphere in the historical center of Mérida, with a great variety of international dishes and with very varied options for vegetarians. In this place you can accompany your meal along with live trova music that you have.



merida, 97000, Mexico

Realiza un paseo en Calesa (especie de carruaje tirado por caballos) por las principales calles del centro de la ciudad; te permitirá conocer desde otro ángulo varios edificios, monumentos y plazas de la “capital blanca”. Take a tour in "Calesa" (a kind of horse-drawn carriage) along the main streets of the city center. You will discover from another angle several buildings, monuments and squares of the "white capital".

Chichén Itzá

Mérida, Yuc. 97170, Mexico

One of the best preserved archaeological sites of Mayan culture, Chichén Itzá served as the most important city between 900 and 1300 A.D. Explore the capital of the region's civilization and stand in awe of it's large column and stone block structure.

Museo Maya

299 E Calle 60, Mérida, Yuc. 97110, Mexico
, 01 999 341 0435

This museum celebrates Mayan culture with over 1,110 artifacts found at neighboring ruin sites. While this museum houses history, the building itself is a contemporary design built in the shape of a ceiba, a tree that is said to connect the underworld and the heavens in Mayan culture. Don't forget to watch their free light and sound show projected onto the outside of the museum's walls at night.

Mercado 60

461 Calle 60, Mérida, Yuc. 97000, Mexico
, 01 999 429 5339

Mercado 60 is a market beaming with culture. Stroll through this culinary destination with 18 restaurants, artisan pop up stores, live music and live performances. They have even host yoga classes amidst the bustle of market-goers.

House of Montejo

Mérida, Yuc. 97000, Mexico
, 01 999 253 6732

This 16th century Plateresque building owned by Don Francisco de Montejo, the conquerer of the Yucatán Península, was first restored by The National Bank of Mexico in 1981. In the early 2000s, it underwent a second restoration and now serves as a museum and cultural center. Be sure to check out their free guided tours which are offered most days of the week.

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