Behold, the legendary Levi Lunon, a visual artist whose unparalleled mastery of the lens has become the stuff of legends. Hailing from the many mystical cities, and with an air of enigmatic allure, Levi sets out on a daring quest, his heart aflame with the anticipation of a new adventure alongside his valiant bride. When he's not capturing the essence of magical landscapes, Levi immerses himself in the realm of tabletop games, strategizing and conquering alongside fellow warriors, and soon to be bride. With a spirit that craves the untamed wilderness, he seeks solace in the arms of nature through epic camping excursions, where his survival and packing skills are put to the ultimate test. Known for his ability to unite like-minded souls, Levi builds communities that thrive on creativity, camaraderie, and unbreakable bonds through his leadership as a theme camp lead. As Levi Lunon embarks on this epic journey, his camera poised and his heart open to the wonders that lie ahead, destiny beckons for the adventure of a lifetime.
Emily Simon rolled lower than Levi for bio initiative. Them's the dice sometimes. Emily is from the not-so-tiny hamlet of Palo Alto. Her adventurer's log features other homesteads along the way including Boston, London, and now San Francisco. Her longtime quest of late was facing the goblins of the 4th grade classroom. But rather than fight them, she became the Goblin Queen and led 5 different hoards to victory. Then she leveled up into designing curriculum content to support other goblin leaders in their quest for literacy. She now spends most of her days amongst digital quills and ink, writing and crafting. Recently she has been traveling with party member Levi on epic adventures to Burning Man, road trips, camping, and now embarks on the most epic quest of all: marriage.
Best Woman
Peace! I am Shara, your best man, extraordinary sister of the groom. I met Levi at my birth, his soon-to-be second favorite day (ha!). I have so many memories with my big bro, so it is difficult to choose one, but I will say this, I have never seen my brother so happy and in love, as he is with Emily. I am thrilled and honored to celebrate their joy with them!
Maid of Honor
Hello fellow adventurers! My name is Izzy and my adventuring home base is currently Atlanta, Georgia. I first met Emily during the grueling quest to get a masters from Stanford University. Through our trials and tribulations, we trauma bonded and have been friends ever since. Some of my favorite memories with Emily are sunny days at Dolores Park, and creating art together in my apartment living room. I'm so glad that Levi will permanently be joining the party on future adventures, and have so much love in my heart for the new Lemevi family (are we calling them that?!).
Greetings fellow revelers! I am Melissa Gangemi, hailing from the vibrant city of Troy, NY. I stand proud as a grooms woman & best friend to the legendary Levi Lunon. Our extraordinary journey began in the halls of high school, where fate united us in an algebra 2 class. We wasted no time in declaring each other best friends, bound by a stolen pinky and a bond that has withstood the test of time. Together we have embraced countless escapades & thrilling exploits over the span of two decades. And now, amidst the thrill of this grand adventure, I am filled with unbridled excitement and anticipation as we embark on a wondrous celebration, uniting the remarkable souls of Emily and Levi, in the sacred bond of marriage. Let the festivities begin!
Maid of Honor
Hey! It’s me Sabina aka Beans aka 86 (a nickname from camp that no longer exists because it didn’t age well - ask me at the wedding). Speaking of camp, that’s where I first met my best gal Emily the summer of 2010 in Palo Alto. Upon angel Levi’s decision to descend from above I’ve never seen Emily happier. It’s an honor to witness their love and consider them family. Let’s have fun! ***photo is mood 5 hours deep into dress shopping with Emily and Julia. We did it!
Hark! Lucas, the valiant younger brother of Emily, emerges from the enchanted city of San Francisco. A virtuoso of the piano, his melodies weave tales of adventure and camaraderie. Years ago, Lucas and Emily embarked on a six-week backpacking escapade across the ancient lands of Europe, their sibling bond deepening amidst laughter and occasional misadventure. Now, as they unite in love, he admires Levi and Emily's daring spirits and stands in awe of Levi's uncanny ability to coax Emily into embracing the wilderness under starlit skies – a feat worthy of bardic tales. Lucas eagerly anticipates the celebration of their love, teasing a speech that spans 83 pages – for a tale as grand as Levi and Emily's, nothing less would suffice.
Greetings, intrepid companions! I'm Sophie, and I've been dungeon diving with Emily since we were ninth-grade novices. Many years and many, many levels of experience later, Levi joined the party, and oh boy, what a party it's been since! One of my most treasured memories of times spent with these two is our 2021 camping trip on the Eel River, where we spent a halcyon weekend relaxing on the water and I got to experience Levi's unparalleled camp kitchen skills. This pair couldn't be more perfect for each other and I cannot wait to watch them embark on the biggest adventure of their lives together.
Greetings adventurers! I’m Robert, EmiLevi’s housemate & Dungeon Master™. I’ve had the pleasure to share a horde of wacky experiences with both the bride and groom, and most famously got to watch them fall in love (at least in part) via table-top roleplaying over the course of our 70+ session ongoing journey through the wilds of Faerûn. When I’m not pretending to eat their brains or squish them beneath gigantic feet, they let me throw my lot in with them for big adventures like That Thing In The Desert or starting a smaller, much more humble idolatry enterprise honoring the groom himself. Both Emily and Levi are two of my dearest friends independently of each other, and getting to see them make each other as happy as they do from the comfort of our living room brings me more joy than I can put into words. As a team, I can attest that they can’t be stopped. They’ll tell you themselves I’ve given it a good try more than once 😈
Greetings, adventure buddies! I’m so excited to join y’all on this journey celebrating the magic and love of Emily and Levi. Emily and I have been sailing together on the best ship (friendship) for more than a decade, beginning one auspicious summer day when we bonded over our love for the worst TV show ever created, Grey’s Anatomy. As soon as I met Levi, I knew he was meant to be a part of our fearless team. I could not have imagined a better partner for my person! I’m looking forward to years of adventures ahead with both of them (particularly those including The Bachelor) as we complete our one true quest - finding the best potatoes the world has ever seen.
Oh, hello. I'm Rae, a grooms-person proud to play a supporting role in this beautiful wedding party. I met Levi at a party shortly after he first moved to San Francisco. Recognizing in each other a shared passion for elaborate camping trips and appreciation for nature's great bounty, a friendship soon bloomed. It was on one of our great excursions to Baker Beach that I first met Emily, and in the years since I have had the privilege of watching their love grow before my very eyes. In January of 2023 I joined them in playing the most memorable D&D game of my life–an epic journey full of danger and costume changes that culminated in Emily's touching and lovingly planned marriage proposal to Levi.
Hello Everyone! My name is Shanie Schwartzman, my adventures with Emily began in our sophomore year of college. We faced many grueling classes together and decided to join forces in studying to pass each test. The following year we moved off campus together to a house on top of a hill we hailed as Mount Olympus (it was a very steep hill). Emily wasn't just an amazing roommate but such a dear friend that made me feel like I was coming home to family while I lived in Boston. One of my absolute favorite memories was spending Thanksgiving with her and her Godparents at the Cape. It was incredibly peaceful and relaxing to spend our holiday break there. We cracked jokes and sang show tunes. We decided to make falafels as our contribution to the festive potluck style dinner. And of course, not being the savviest of cooks, Emily assisted me in not burning her God mother's home down. I'm honored to be one of her bridesmaids and get to celebrate this wonderful moment in time for her and Levi!
Hail! Adventurers know me by many names, but you my friend may call me Ben. I am honored to be joining this valiant band of brothers and sisters on the quest to wed our dearest Levi and Emily. I first met the Legendary Levi at a housewarming party for him many moons ago in infamous San Francisco. Since then, our paths hath been intwined. Now we are set upon the most important quest of them all, the quest of marriage between Levi and Emily. The honorable Emily is of high status and great prestige, and I am proud to call her one of my dearest friends. We shall raise many a glass to the holy union of these two heroes of the realm! We look forward to the adventures ahead! Huzzah!
Hear ye, hear ye! I am Mariam, and I’ve been making nonsense announcements with Emily since we were in high school. When we moved to San Francisco at around the same time on 2018, the city became our cheese (since we couldn’t have oysters because Emily is a vegetarian, and cheese is superior to oysters anyways). When she met Levi a couple of years later, I was thrilled to befriend and adventure with another kindred spirit, lover of cheese, and Big Fan ™️ of Emily. I can’t wait to celebrate these two in the spring of next year!
Mother of the Groom
Hi there, Lisa, Melvyn’s wife, Levi and Shara’s Mom, and soon to be Emily’s MIL. Since the day Levi was born, he has had this smile that lights up a room. Ever since meeting Emily, that light in his smile shines seemingly endlessly. Like any mother, I dreamed for his happiness and harmony. I see the way Emily and Levi support and love each other, and I am now sighing relief that I have had that dream fulfilled. So, as they start the next of their many adventures, may the Dungeon Master continue to find favor in their roll of the dice.
Father of the Bride
FOB Allen grew up in a family in Southern California which put on marionette shows. His mother was an artist who made the puppets, his big brothers were handy with tools and gadgets, so they built a stage and added lights, soundtrack, and visual effects such as explosions. They did an undersea scene with schools of acrylic fish, eels, and a crab. His mother wrote a script about a “bewitched witch” whose spells kept backfiring. It being in the 70s, they also had abstract puppets made out of Tinkertoys and geometric forms made from Styrofoam which danced to spacey music. One can only assume that all of this led to severe psychological damage which he's passed on to his daughter. But I’m sure she’ll be fine. Right?
Father of the Groom
Melvyn Cohen, step-dad to the groom, was born in Northern Ireland and moved to the United States in the 1970's. I first met Levi when he was 12 years old. I had recently met his mom, Lisa and went to see her when she was attending a costume party with Levi and Shara. He may have been in disguise that day, but Levi is very open and honest in reality. He is easy going and makes friends with everyone he meets. It's wonderful to see how well he and Emily get along. She makes him very happy. It is beautiful that they have found each other and I wish them a long and successful life together.
Mother of the Bride
Julia Simon, MOB, began life as a bard and has pretty much stuck to her quest. Beginning with piano, organ, oboe, and voice, Julia eventually focused on choir and met Emily’s dad in grad school. Emily, has sung in at least two of her mother’s choirs (along with a couple of her bridesmaids) and was forced to endure years of piano lessons, but now considers this early exposure her Font of Inspiration. Julia is thrilled that Levi and Emily have found each other and are setting forth upon their epic quest.
Ceremony Reader
Learned scholars have long pondered on the legend of Adam Alloy. He is renowned throughout the lands for possessing a +5 proficiency in matchmaking, this Yentl introduced the heroic Bride and Groom. Hailing from the distant island of Great Britian, he has rougishly disguised his origin beneath the beachy tones of the Californian coast and the drawl of the flat Texan plain. Lord Alloy has authored various tomes of curious lore, pondered the clockwork machinations of computational devices, and with sojourning steps traversed to the edge of the world and back. Currently, his devotion is to the moving alchemy of fine film and harnessing it’s tremendous power. He has slain at least one dragon, with photographic evidence.
Greetings Adventurers - I’m Lyn, flexatarian, Pilates teacher, choir geek, proud progressive, book worm, Lover of Adrian, Mother of Scarlett and Fairy God-Mother to our Bride. It is my honor to be the officiant of this joyful joining of Emily and Levi as they embark on their epic quest of a shared life. I look forward to sharing this amorous adventure with so many friends both old and new and invite you to send me any tidbits and tales illustrating the great love of our Hero and Heroine. Email -, I'm a Ringer - and a Bo Ho too, but that's a different adventure.