June 5, 2021
Lakeway, Texas

Lauren & Ben


Ben Durbin


Lauren Smith

June 5, 2021

Lakeway, Texas

How It Began

Ben and I both grew up in the Austin area, our childhood homes were located within 20 minutes of each other, but we never crossed paths until we landed in College Station at A&M. We met our first day of school (at a frat party - so romantic!) and we chased after each other for about 3 years before finally deciding to date. Okay, now here’s the full story: Freshman year, I rushed and joined AXO sorority and Ben joined SAE fraternity. Our friend groups intertwined, and we often found ourselves at the same parties, tailgates, and even had a few classes together. We went to several formals and themed parties together as dates. The crush was mutual and ongoing, but Ben continued to take his sweet, sweet time... :) Christmas break our junior year we started to hang out more casually in Austin and I was sure it would become something real this time around (shout out to Zach Douma and Annie Walls for being the best wingmen!). But sure enough we get back to College Station and things faded off with his focus being back on school and friends (you’re lucky you didn’t miss your shot Benton!) It was Spring Break, junior year (2015) when everything changed. We were both in Panama City Beach (super romantic again - I know). We were with different groups but all of the Aggies met in the same area every day. After a few conversations of him confessing how important I was to him (and some liquid courage) he spontaneously asked me to be his girlfriend. I asked if we should get to know each other a little better first and his response was “let’s just do this, we’ll get to know each other better over time” and the rest is history.

The Proposal

After graduation, Ben was initially committed to work in Houston, but once he changed his office location to be with me in Austin, I knew this was going to be forever. Fast forward a few years, we have our good friends Zach and Catherine visiting us. We kayaked Town Lake in the morning and had plans to meet for dinner at County Line BBQ (which I was throwing a fit over behind the scenes because I wanted mexican food, Matts el Rancho to be specific.) On our way to dinner, Catherine suggested we stop at Mount Bonnell so she could check it off her Austin bucket list and so we could get some cute pictures. As we get to the top, I see the most adorable thing - a 'will you marry me' sign with rose petals everywhere. Now if you weren’t as blonde as me this is where your heart would sink and you’d begin crying knowing what was about to happen. But nope, not me - I thought it was for somebody else and yelled “omg y’all somebody is about to get engaged we need to get out of the way!” and ran away from the scene. It wasn’t until Ben chased me, grabbed my hand and pulled me back that my heart sunk to my stomach and tears began instantly flowing from my eyes. There are no words to describe that moment. None. After saying YES, hugging, happy crying, and laughing at the fact that I had ran away from my own proposal - I then noticed my family was hiding behind the bushes and got to experience this precious moment with me. After a champagne toast with the most stunning views and more happy tears, I asked Ben if we were still going to County Line. The answer was no - his sweet parents had my closest friends over for a surprise after celebration and best of all - Matts El Rancho! It was the best day of my life and the easiest yes. I wish I could live it 100 times over. We are anxiously awaiting June 5th and feel very grateful that we get to share our special day with all of you!!

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