From Larysa: We knew each other for a long time, considering Sheldon was often hanging out at the Eberhardt compound. It wasn't until probably 2012 that we really got to know each other. Sheldon became my best friend, my protector, always looking out for me. Surprisingly, he was always making sure I made the best decisions for myself and not him. As the years rolled along, he was always a constant. Sometimes we wouldn't talk for weeks, but when we did the conversation would always flow and I never wanted it to end. I always knew he was the one I wanted to do this life with, but I wasn't sure it would ever be a reality for us... and here we are now!
Larysa put a bug in Sheldon's ear every so often about a ring. At first, she was pretty impatient, but as time went on it was pretty clear that they were stuck together. In 2018, we bought our first home and in 2019, we had our first baby (Hayden). Larysa was certain the proposal would come after Hayden, but to her surprise, baby #2 (Tucker) was born in 2021. Three years, a house and two babies went by... Larysa always made it clear that she did not want to see this proposal coming. She wanted to be totally blindsided. Sheldon decided to pop the question (finally!) on December 23rd, 2022. We had just finished putting our babies to bed after a night hanging out with family. It was later than usual, around 11pm. Larysa thought for sure Sheldon would already be in bed, but he wasn't. Well, maybe he was loading the wood stove and bed was the next destination. Larysa walked into the room, expecting him to be stoking the fire and instead she found him on one knee! From Larysa: It was the biggest surprise! Honestly, so big that I had zero emotion. Just a huge smile. I always expected myself to be a crying mess and truthfully, I think he did too, but he caught me so off guard that all I could do was just smile and say yes! (Sorry hunnay, I hope I didn't disappoint you!)