
Natalie & Lance

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The Wedding Website of Natalie Crossno and Lance Ryan

Nathan Crossno


With Natalie’s brother, Noah’s, daughters a part of her bridal party, finding out her oldest brother Nathan was ordained made him the perfect addition to have both her siblings a part of her big day. From looking up to him growing up, to meeting him at the end of the aisle, Natalie couldn’t imagine a better person to guide her and Lance into this next chapter.

Charlotte Ryan

Flower Girl

Natalie and Lance’s daughter. She looks like her mom (and Papa) and her personality is exactly what you’d expect a mix of her parents to be. She has started a campaign to have kissing removed from weddings but is excited to wear her dress, eat more dessert than she’d ever normally be allowed, and celebrate with her family.

Christopher Ryan

Ring Bearer

Natalie and Lance’s son. Christopher isn’t looking forward to dressing up or spending a whole day away from his VR, but takes his job of ring security very seriously.

Hayley Crossno

Flower Girl

Hayley is Natalie’s niece but she also has an adorable friendship with Lance. He is the epitome of fun uncle. While Natalie may not be a human jungle gym and life of the kid’s table like Lance, Hayley knows she is always on call for an Aunt Natalie hair or craft emergency, target trip, soccer cheering section, or adventure outing.

Hannah Crossno

Junior Bridesmaid

Lance has been having entertaining conversation with Hannah since she was two years old. She is the one who gave Natalie her dream status of being an Aunt and she takes it very seriously. Every “hey can you…” text from Hannah is always answered with an “I gotchu” from Aunt Natalie. Hannah and Natalie share almost every common interest and as one of her best friends, she knew she wanted Hannah with the rest of her girls on her big day.

Sara Cooper

Maid of Honor

Meeting in High School, Natalie and Sara have been best friends for almost two decades (yikes!) These two have not only been each other's best friends but have seamlessly navigated through life from Highschool, College, Roomates, and Motherhood. As Maid of Honor for each other, Sara and Natalie have played pivotal roles in one another's love stories. They've stood by each other's side during vows, laughter, and tears, embodying the true meaning of friendship and support. Through thick and thin, these two have not only celebrated each other's joys but have also been each other's pillars of strength during the challenges of life.

Katie Papaleo


Katie and Natalie have a unique love story of their own. Think less Princess and Prince Charming and more two Princess unite affter an unfortunate frog incident. After their first time hanging out in a grungy college basement, they found their Happily Ever After together and the rest is history. This friendship is one of unwavering loyalty and unconditional love. Natalie and Lance's daughter, Charlotte got her middle name from Katie after they found out they were having a girl on her birthday. Lance vetoed approximately 80 first names but Natalie knew "Evelyn" was non negotiable.

Brook Sigler


Brook and Natalie met through work, but their friendship really strengthened when Brook found a new position. Brooks selflessness and devotion to her friends has always been admired by Natalie and she knew Brook was someone she would remain close to. Their love of eachother, books, and being reality TV soulmates has kept this friendship going strong. This past year when Natalie was tired of not being able to see eachother as often as theyd like, she joined Brook's bookclub to ensure she could always have a standing date to see one of her favorite people.

Kali Kuharevicz


Natalie met Kali in 2003 and their friendship has always felt like they were family. Through High School, College, across the country moves and back, this friendship was only ever a phone call away and has stood the test of time. When Lance and Natalie got engaged, Kali was living in Boston and Natalie told her she understood that work and a baby made it too difficult to make the trip for the wedding. When Kali responded that she wouldn't miss it for the world, Natalie knew she needed her standing next to her on her big day.

Samantha Ulrich


Sam and Natalie met through mutual friends of Lance's and it was love at first sight. If you see these two out and about they will either be laughing until they cry, wearing a ridiculous costume, or more than likely both. They have loved and supported each other through life's ups and downs over the years and always seem to have fun doing it.

Kennedy Woirol (Ryan)


Kennedy may be Lance's sister by blood, but she had Natalie in her phone as "Natalie Ryan" long before the proposal. With Kennedy being once of Lance's best friends, it didn't take long for Natalie and Kennedy to create a friendship of their own. From forging signatures on permission slips and making her Dr. appointments to now helping Kennedy navigate through motherhood and life, these two have had a friendship and sisterly bond for years.

Tyler Slamkowski

Best Man

From the very first day of first grade, Tyler and Lance's friendship began on the playground, and since then, they've been inseparable. Through the years, Tyler has been there for Lance through life's highs and lows, creating a bond that has truly withstood the test of time. Their connection has weathered distances and challenges, proving that true friendship knows no bounds. Tyler's role as the Best Man is not just about standing beside Lance on this special day but also about celebrating the incredible journey they've shared. From childhood adventures to navigating different corners of the world, Tyler has been a constant companion.

Jason Falkowski

Best Man

When you value close friendships like Lance does, you can run into the dilemma when choosing your best man, and he couldn't imagine this day without both Tyler and Jason by his side. Jason and Lance's friendship began in the workplace at Sprint. Climbing the ranks together, they forged a bond that has only deepened with time. Though their professional paths may have diverged in recent years, the strength of their friendship remained unwavering. Despite not working together, Jason and Lance have continued to share in each other's joys, triumphs, and adventures. As the second Best Man, Jason brings a wealth of shared memories and experiences to Lance and Natalie’s special day. His presence is a symbol of the lasting camaraderie that has defined their friendship. Lance couldn't imagine celebrating this milestone without Jason, and together, they add a dynamic touch to the wedding festivities.

Jackson Falkowski


Meet Jackson, Jason's brother who was naturally drawn into the orbit of Lance and Jason's camaraderie. What began as a close-knit duo quickly transformed into a dynamic trio that shares laughter, adventure, and a unique bond.The three of them are a force to be reckoned with, embarking on long trek bike rides that culminate in camping escapades. These adventures are filled with too-funny-to-share stories and a good portion of the time spent on an evacuation call to Natalie. Rain, mischievous dogs, and sheer exhaustion from the ride and laughter often prompt a rescue mission. Jackson, as Jason's brother, brings an extra layer of familiarity and familial warmth to the celebration. His presence is a testament to the extension of friendship into the realm of family. Together, Lance, Jason, and Jackson represent a trio whose bonds are strengthened not just by shared memories but by the anticipation of creating many more.

Alex Witek


Meet Alex, a friend whose journey with Lance began in the bustling realm of TFF. What started as shared moments of laughter and camaraderie within the office walls quickly transcended into a friendship that extended far beyond the cubicles. Lance realized that the fun they had during work hours held the potential for even more adventures outside the office. Lance knows that when restlessness strikes (which is often, given his inability to sit still), Alex is the go-to companion for spontaneous plans and adventures. Alex shares Lance's adventurous spirit and is always ready for anything – be it a thrilling escapade or a laid-back chill session. Their friendship is a testament to the joy that comes from shared interests and a mutual zest for life.

Brandon Baty


Lance and Brandon also met at Sprint. What started as a shared workspace evolved into a lasting bond that transcends professional ties. Beyond the Sprint days, Lance and Brandon have navigated the joys and challenges of fatherhood together. Both having children, Lance often finds in Brandon not just a friend but a source of inspiration and camaraderie in the shared journey of parenthood. Brandon has become someone Lance looks up to, drawing strength from their shared experiences as fathers. While they may no longer share an office, the connection forged at Sprint has blossomed into a friendship that extends into the personal and familial spheres. * Plot twist: Brandon also now works with Natalie which makes it even more special for him to be a part of their big day

Tyre Jones


Introducing Tyre, a friend whose connection with Lance ignited instantly during their time at T-Mobile. From the very start, they were more than coworkers – they were instant homies. Even after moving on from T-Mobile, Lance and Tyre continued to root for each other in all their endeavors. One of the unique aspects of their bond is a mutual love for botany. Lance and Tyre share a fascination with the world of plants, creating a special connection that blooms beyond their workplace camaraderie. Anytime they are together, you can be sure there will be laughter, unless, of course, Natalie is engaged in a passionate football debate with Tyre. Their friendship is a harmonious blend of shared interests, mutual support, and lighthearted moments. Tyre's presence adds a touch of joy and camaraderie to Lance's life, and their shared love for botany serves as a beautiful metaphor for the growth and resilience of their friendship.

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