Life takes its time, there is always a constant unknown to life, how it will look, what it is and the journey along the way. It's very well understood among close friends and family that we both had unique paths and deserve someone great. "You will make someone very happy one day" We have heard that quote more often then one could recall but each time we agreed, because after all, we all deserve someone great in this life. A friend and someone we love had the foresight to put these two pieces in the vicinity of each other. After that first date we would still have no clue on how well we fit together. There were a series of awkward dates and then our saving grace, which were the most amazing conversations over the phone. We started trading sleep for late night conversation. Our nightly talks became our motivation for each day so we could share, plot, build, and design our dreams over the phone. Eventually, we started replacing words and adding phrases, Such as "I" for "we", "Yours" for "ours" and "I love you". It was in those late conversations that our puzzle pieces snapped into place. Our two unique paths converged into one. In a blink of an eye we went from our first awkward side hug to one day being married for all eternity. It took two to bring this puzzle to life and we are so excited to keep piecing this "Puzzle of Life" together!