May 18, 2019
Montreat, North Carolina

Kylie & Wesley


Wesley Sweigart


Kylie Colquitt


May 18, 2019

Montreat, North Carolina

How We Met

January 28th, 2018

He was the hot guy on stage and she was the cute girl in the crowd... only it wasn't a concert. It was church, he was just the bass guitarist, and they actually didn't meet until that afternoon. Kylie and Wesley's dear, wonderful, mutual friends, Matt and Mary Caroline, concocted a plan for them to meet, which meant having the now-engaged couple, two married couples, and one single friend over for lunch after church. Mary Caroline had dropped some hints to Kylie, but Wesley was clueless as to the set-up. It actually took Matt mentioning that Wesley should ask Kylie out (about two weeks later) that he decided to go for it. The Lord had stirred something in Wesley's heart, something new and beautiful, and he wasn't about to pass it up. It took a few weeks until he had the opportunity to ask her out. She had just gotten back from her alternative spring break trip with M28, a college ministry, and Wesley dropped in to see if the crew needed help unpacking supplies. There was a brief moment where the two were alone together in a room, so he asked: "Hey, Kylie. This might seem totally out of the blue, but would you like to get coffee sometime?" "Yes!" (her answer didn't register) "...like ever?" "Definitely." "Oh, cool! Well, I guess I should get your number..." They got coffee, tacos (and bonus salads) on March 17, 2018, and the rest, as they say, is history. And no, they don't ever plan on stopping being so awkward.

The Proposal

August 10th, 2018

On August 4, 2018, Kylie and Wesley set off on a grand road trip to visit family and travel to New England. They visited Wesley's grandparents in Pennsylvania, then headed to New Hampshire to spend a couple of days with Wesley's parents. While visiting his parents, who live in the heart of the White Mountains, they decided to hiked up Mount Moosilauke. Three-and-a-half miles up and 2,500 feet elevation gain is a lot farther than it sounds. Kylie had a hunch that a proposal might have been coming on this trip, but Mount Moosilauke was not the intended spot. The week was almost ended, so Wesley and Kylie started the drive back to North Carolina. On the way, they visited Wesley's relatives in Maryland, then headed toward Asheville on August 10 to join Kylie's family in celebrating her brother Brayden's 18th birthday. As they neared their destination, Wesley "hatched a plan" to take a "quick" detour to the Blue Ridge Parkway outside of Asheville. Kylie wanted nothing to do with it, as they were already running later than she anticipated. Wesley was persistent, even as rain clouds billowed on the horizon and started pouring torrents the Tennessee/Carolina Appalachians. Wesley can be... stubborn some times. But it worked to his advantage as the "detour" led them to Craggy Pinnacle. After a relatively short hike up to the peak (not minding the black bear sighting), and a few awkward minutes as Wesley waited for a small family to vacate the premises, Wesley got on one knee, ring in hand, cell phone on a tripod and taking a grand total of *zero* pictures, and asked for Kylie's hand in marriage. He asked Kylie, "Will you marry me?" She said, "Yes, definitely."

After the Wedding

...happily ever after...

The happy couple will honeymoon in sunny California, visiting San Francisco, Wine Country, and Yosemite. Kylie and Wesley will continue living in Charlotte for the foreseeable future as Kylie finishes nursing school, as Wesley keeps on with RSM, and as they serve their church and community together.

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