At 17 years old you don’t ever think you’re going to find your soul mate. But as fate would have it, they did. Kristin and Laura met at a friend’s party in high school. They were friends of friends, acquaintances at best, not knowing what they were about to become to each other. They hung out all through their last two years of high school building the foundation of their friendship. When senior year came around Laura gave Kristin a copy of her senior photo with a note on the back, telling her how much their friendship meant to her, and yes Kristin still has it all these years later. They ended up at the same college and by sophomore year they were besties, basically attached at the hip. Always spending time together, taking long car rides to nowhere, listening to the Lion King soundtrack, and eating way too much Chipotle. They were each other’s secret keepers and shoulders to lean and cry on when college got difficult. And when graduation day came and they graduated together their friendship was permanently cemented. Two years after college ended, at a random bar in Malden, and a few too many drinks later they finally admitted to each other that they both had feelings the entire time they’d known each other. It was almost 10 years from the day they met before they finally took the plunge and started dating in 2017. Three years into their relationship in December of 2020 Laura planned the proposal and asked Kristin to spend the rest of her life with her. Now here we are, counting down the days until they are officially wife and wife. It's true what they say, love can come from the most unsuspecting places. And can be built from anything, it can even be built from a party when you’re 17 years old.