We love your kids - we really do, but we want our wedding to be your night off! We are having a night-time wedding and ask that you book a sitter and enjoy a date-night with us :)
Semi-Formal Attire is requested. The bride looks for any excuse to be super-fancy, but if you know comfort is your thing, think ahead and stuff some flats in your purse! Our wedding Ceremony will be on the beach, but our reception is in a formal ballroom.
If your wedding invitation says "__ and guest," then yes you may bring a date. If not, then we would prefer if it was just you. During this strange time in our world, we must limit the number of wedding guests, and we would be honored if you will be one of them! (seriously, consider yourself special that you made the cut.)
You must Valet with the Hotel. Do NOT park at the Rusty Pelican. It should be tip-only for valet unless you are staying the night, then valet is $20/day.
NEVER!!!!!!!!! Our reception ends at 10:30pm, but we plan to go up to the roof-top bar for some after-party fun with all of our loved ones! (Well at least those who can stay awake. WYATT.....)
HELL NO!! We will have a cocktail hour immediately following our ceremony, including liquor, wine, beer and h'or devours. Followed by dinner (more drinks) and lots of dancing!
No, pretty-please. You know what the bride does for a living right? You'd better believe that she has the photos COVERED! During this intimate moment of our vows being exchanged, we want to see your faces...not your phones. Please be fully present with us by turning off your phones and cameras throughout the entire ceremony. We've hired a crazy-talented photographer and awesome videographer! They will be sharing all of their images with guests, for free. So kick back, enjoy the moment with us, and snap away at the reception.