The Public Parking address is 1720 Wood Street, Dallas, TX 75201. Please view the map above to see where parking is located in relation to the venue. The parking fee is around $8-$10, however Uber/Lyft is encouraged!
We would love to see our family and friends get dressed up with us! Black-tie optional but by no means required!
You will be dearly missed! If you cannot make it to our wedding, please let us know as soon as possible and RSVP "no" so that we can plan accordingly, thank you!
Although we love your children, we regretfully cannot accommodate everyone's children at our wedding due to restricted numbers. If we were unable to invite your children, we hope that you will see this as an opportunity to let your hair down and enjoy the party with us!
We have addressed the invitations to the people we would love to come. If you received a plus one on your invitation, their name will appear under your name when you RSVP. Please ensure that you are RSVPing for yourself & your guest!