

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Get a quick glimpse into who we have asked to stand by our sides not only on this special day, but also as we walk into this new season as a married couple. These are our closest friends, biggest supporters and most faithful encouragers.

Kristen & Konner

Bride & Groom

Hi there! We could not be more excited to share this day with each and every one of you. What a blessing it is to experience and look toward the joy of relationship under God's care and guidance. We are so grateful to each person who has shaped our stories and gotten us to where we are today and we can't wait to come together to celebrate God's design of covenant in marriage as a representation of His love for us!

Hannah Effland

Maid of Honor

Hannah is truly the definition of a "best friend." We've been non-stop companions since the seventh grade and have walked through countless seasons of life together. In hardship, joys, transitions, and so many memories... she has been there for it all. We've been dreaming about being each others' maid of honors for so many years, and this year we get to live that dream out! I can't think of anyone more suited to stand right there by my side on this day!

Annaliesa Flanagan


I've seen Annie in every stage of life - from the awkward middle schools years, to the chaotic & fun high school years, and finally to the transformative college years. There is no one whose story of salvation makes me more aware of the Lord's faithfulness or whose boldness and assurance challenges me more. I trust we have many more years of walking together to come and I am so excited to catch some of her contagious laughter on my wedding day!

Kaylie Slawson


A truth-giving, listening, there for every moment friend is how I would describe Kaylie. After meeting our freshman year of college, we've slowly grown to be closer than I ever imagined we would be. Living together for the past year has shown us we are alike in so many ways, and yet different in so many others... but we just get each other. Kaylie knows me deeply and points me toward better in so many ways; having her stand with me will be having my "comfort person" stand with me on this day.

Deborah Yarick


Deborah is the joy of Christ in a person. One of the strongest people I know, and yet someone who is deeply aware of her need for a Savior, Deborah is definitely someone I know will always be in my corner. She has championed me in every pursuit, supported me during times I've failed or experienced loss, and has always pointed out the good in any situation. I can't wait to receive one of her "I'm so happy for and proud of you and am here for anything you need" hugs on my wedding day!

Maddie Grider


Maddie is someone you want to be standing next to when anything exciting happens. She is the sweetest, most consistent, most passionate person and doesn't ever shy away from a happy dance or celebratory moment. She has shown me an outline for faithful friendship and given me an example of what it looks like to care deeply and love wholeheartedly. Maddie and I have shared many parts of life together, and it only makes sense to have her with me to share in this sweet day as well!

Kelsey Wallis


Kelsey is a friend who will pray over you, check in on you and support you in tangible ways. She is a go-to person for any need, and after learning more of who she is in this last year of living with her, I've realized how well she loves behind closed doors. I have deep assurance in our friendship that I am being prayed over, taken care of and loved every single day. She cares and remembers details no one else would - she is definitely someone who will be a quiet voice of calm on such an exciting day!

Sam Coons

Best Man

Sam is one of the first people I ever met while at Southwest Baptist University. We were both at similar stages of life when we crossed paths in the transfer Welcome Week group during the first day on campus. Through living in the same dorm, playing basketball and sand volleyball, and eating together, we formed a tight friendship. Through his willingness to try new things, inquisitive personality, and go with the flow attitude, I have learned many things. I am grateful for him and can't wait to celebrate with him.

Zach Jamieson


Zach was one of the residents on my hall when I was a Resident Assistant and he immediately made an impact. He was open about his faith in Christ and lived accordingly through his willingness to serve. Fast forward a couple years and we eventually lived together for a year. Night time conversations that allowed for reflection and encouragement will always be the main memory in regard to our friendship. He will say I taught him a lot, but I can say the same thing about him.

Rickie Mills


Rickie was also a resident on my hall in the dorm and his growth that I witnessed will always be an encouragement. He eventually lived with Zach and I and this is when I saw more of his excitement and passion for serving others with the musical and leadership gifts God blessed him with. While his motor is faster than most, it is mostly rooted in passion and a heart for service.

Jadon Wipf


I had the privilege of serving on the same dorm staff with Jadon and learned a lot from his leadership, focus, and spiritual accountability. We also served together on campus with a group called Dangerous Men, where we were able to grow a lot together. He is a bold follower and brother in Christ. From the gym time to the accountability conversations, he has helped me grow.

Kody Crosby


Kody and I literally grew up across the street from each other. He was a great teammate on the basketball court and we were always together through our high school years. We helped each other stay focused on school and sports in the midst of outside distractions. The memories we have on the court and playing video games at his house will always be fond. A life back home can't be talked about without bringing his name up, and I am excited for things to come full circle.

Brice Kaiser


Brice is a character in the best of ways and one of the hardest workers I will ever come across. Through summers playing baseball growing up and eventually summers working in the heat together, I learned a lot about his genuineness and care for others. Paired with that, he was always a dedicated one and a teammate you could count on and trust. We have had great conversations about the future so I can't wait for him to experience this day by my side.

For all the days along the way
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