It's been a running joke that Jake and I have known each other "forever". Although we don't have an amazing or even memorable story of how we met, as we were both 11 years old, we both adore our love story. From what little I do remember, Jake and I first met in the 5th grade when I transferred to his elementary school. As the years went on, Jake and I became closer and were best friends for over 5 years before finally making things "official". And by official I mean me asking Jake, "are we a couple or not" as he took me to Meadows to get ice cream in his new Audi TT on Valentine's Day. He responded, "I don't know, do you want to be my girlfriend?". And as any best friend would answer, I simply said "Okay." And there it was. Neither one of us knew what the future would hold, but it was a beautiful future. From finishing high school, to fighting through the struggles of long distance in college, and then completely taking a leap and jumping out of our comfort zones by moving to a whole other state, we did it. Many of you reading this have been with us the past 8 years and we are so happy to share such a special day with you all.