Preston and I met at work: I was working in Human Resources and he had just started with the company as a Production Supervisor. I was conducting New Hire Orientation and when I saw him I was immediately attracted to him. However, since I was in HR, I quickly let that thought pass. Flash forward a year later, Preston had joined a few co-workers and I at a happy hour after work and while everyone else went home, we stayed out all night just talking and getting to know one another. I knew then I really liked this guy. Shortly after, I announced to my coworkers that I was transferring to Columbus, OH to take on another HR position within the company. Before I transferred to my new position, the team I supported hosted a going away happy hour for me and I remember that day asking Preston if he was going to make it. He showed up that night and we stayed out talking again after everyone else had already left. By the end of the night (and a few drinks later) Preston told me he liked me and even though I was moving across the country in less than 2 weeks, he wanted to try to make this work. A little over a month later, Preston flew up to Columbus and we spent the week together. I knew then he had my heart and we got engaged 7 months later. The rest is history!