We met on tinder and matched in November 2019! Logan sent Haley a very flirty text that said "Snapchat ?? *heart eye emoji*". We snapchatted a few times before Logan asked Haley out on a date (Dec. 7th 2019), and of course she was difficult. Logan planned 3 dates ( in fairness to Haley, one was too late, one was too far), and she finally agreed to meet him at Oregano's in Glendale, Arizona. We were both nervous, but realized we had way more in common than we could've predicted, and Logan asked Haley out on another date for the next day. From there, things snowballed, and they made it official on Jan. 10, 2020. Haley moved in with Logan in March 2020 and the stay at home orders only made them love each other more. In late August 2020 (with their puppy Hanky), we all moved to Atlanta so that Haley could pursue her dream career of becoming a PA.
Logan isn't very good at keeping secrets from Haley, so she would be lying if she said the proposal was a total surprise, but he did manage to keep most of it under wraps. Logan had been traveling to Vegas for work, but he later revealed that he asked his boss to be sent out there so that he could visit Sky Diamonds in Las Vegas to pick up Haley's ring! With the help of a sneaky friend (Julia, a bridesmaid), Logan rented out and decorated a movie theater with candles, flower petals and light sign that said "Marry Me". Under the guise of watching their first movie post-COVID, Haley was lured to the theater. Haley was sat down beside Logan, among the decorations, and a movie of their life together was played on the big screen. When the movie finished, Logan got on one knee and asked Haley to marry him. Haley thought it would be funny to say "I'll have to think about it" , but quickly said "yes, of course I'll marry you". As soon as she said yes, Julia popped out of the darkness and screamed (which scared Haley because she had no idea she was even there)