1:30 pm
5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Adults Only. Cocktail/Formal Attire.
Parking at The Fives: The Fives is located at The Reach on Goodale Street. 1. Turn into the property on Edgar Drive from Goodale 2. Take a left onto Waldo Way 3. Turn right behind the White Castle home office and continue down Waldo Way for two parking levels.
6:00 pm - 10:30 pm
Adults Only. Cocktail/Formal Attire.
Parking at The Fives: The Fives is located at The Reach on Goodale Street. 1. Turn into the property on Edgar Drive from Goodale 2. Take a left onto Waldo Way 3. Turn right behind the White Castle home office and continue down Waldo Way for two parking levels.