We did not give anyone a plus-one however if you would like to bring someone, please reach out directly to Kim at 484-553-5911. Plus one's will be invited to come on a first come-first served bases. We have a limited number of extra chairs and would be happy to allow your special person to come with you if we have the space!
Children are invited to the wedding and we ask you to let us know if they are attending when you RSVP. Also, please keep in mind that there are two large bodies of water on the property and there will not be childcare available at the wedding. Please, if you are bringing your children to the wedding, watch them closely.
Please RSVP directly to Kim or Danny. Kim: 484-553-5911 or burkhardt.kim@gmail.com and Danny: 215-605-4664 or danny.zembroski@gmail.com. Please let us know who is coming including kids and their ages.