Think reception only! We are focused on sharing our favorite things with you which means expect lots of food, conversation, nature, and flexibility. Please see our Schedule.
Although we won't be able to offer an equal experience, we have planned for a partially hybrid event and you are welcome to join us virtually to say hello and share a toast. Virtual link and details Coming Soon.
Due to diverse needs across our guests, we have chosen not to hold a single location. However! As guests decide which spaces best suit them, we will update our site to provide you with information about where the folks you know will be lodging.
We currently live in a self-built tiny home on wheels and living minimally is central to our lives. If you'd like to contribute to our journey, we are happy to receive support for regular international travel between the USA and Brazil! Link in Registry if preferred.
First name, Adriano. Common first, Dri. Last name, Araújo dos Reis Botega As Artist, Dri Botega. First name, Kiah. Middle name, Amara. Last name, Fischer. As Artist, Kiah Amara. We have a lot of names! Brazilians love nicknames and their custom for last names is to keep both parent's surnames. Awaiting visa turnover, Kiah may become Kiah Amara Araújo dos Reis Botega. It fits on nothing, but $5 to the first non-native Portuguese speaker who pronounces it correctly!