We met playing a sport we both love. Volleyball. My sophomore year at BYU I got an invite to play on an intramural volleyball team. Little did I know that the woman who I would one day call my wife would be there as well. I knew I really liked her, but was also scared to ask her on a date. When pressed on the subject by Aileen's friend Aurea, I said that "if we won our first volleyball game, I would ask her out". Lo and behold we won, and a few days after we went on a date. Nothing complicated, just a game of tennis and Japanese food to follow. Although our volleyball team didn't make it far in the playoffs I owe a great deal to the "one hit wonders". Spending time with Aileen was something I could not get enough of. Having enrolled in General Chemistry that semester a bulk of my time was geared towards that class. You can imagine my excitement when I saw Aileen there as well. We spent hours studying together even before we ever went on a date. Im not going to lie, sometimes I pretended to not know the answer just so we could talk more and sometimes I just didn't know the answer. Although my grade in that class was not as high as I would have hoped, I gained something much more important to me now than an A. I got Ai. - Kevin