Kerry and Tanner met online in 2019. We hit it off and became comfortable with each other on our first date while connecting about favorite places in Boston and shared interests (we had our first synchronized high five when realizing we both loved Westworld). From there we continued connecting and met each other's friends and families over the coming months. We kept fitting into each other lives, and making room for our relationship always came first. After moving in together we explored our interests of hiking, traveling, and paddleboarding. We could often be found cooking up a storm, together reading at a coffee shop, or walking around Arnold Arboretum.
Tanner proposed while on a trip to Yosemite National Park in April 2022. While the trip was not without setbacks (we did not back it to the top of the first mountain Tanner planned to propose on, and left -behind sandwiches), the proposal was heartfelt and thoughtful. The moment was made all the more special having Kerry's sister and brother-in-law present for the moment.
Now that we have made it to the wedding, we can't wait to have our dearest friends and family supporting us as we take this step forward. We are so grateful for everyone in our lives and know that we have a very supportive village to lean on.