Matt and Mary met on an online dating app and wasted no time getting to know each other. They met in person soon after connecting online for breakfast at Maggie J's in Mapleton on a cold winter morning where they hit it off over Bloody Mary's and Screwdrivers. After only a few dates, Mary knew Matt was "the one" and didn't hesitate to tell everyone she knew, including Matt. The two quickly started spending much of their time together, meeting between Blue Earth and Mankato for dinner dates, introducing each other to one another's friends and family, and falling fast in love.
Much to Mary's surprise, Matt was able to pull off the surprise of a lifetime. Organizing a trip to Mankato with friends and some family members in tow, the crew headed out for an afternoon of axe throwing. When they arrived and divided up teams, it was determined that they would play girls against boys. When Mary went for her second throw of the day, she successfully landed a bullseye! (Or close enough) Celebrating her toss, she spun around in celebration, and to her surprise, her opponent, Matt, was right behind her. Matt grabbed Mary by the hand, and bent down on one knee. As he proposed marriage and with shaking fingers, slid a beautiful ring on her hand, Mary said YES! With friends there to support and celebrate, and family on the phone, the day was a blessing and will always be a wonderful memory.