June 8, 2024
Columbus, OH

Kelsie & Brenen




Hilton Columbus Downtown

402 North High Street
Columbus, OH 43215

Click this link to reserve your rooms through our wedding block -- the deadline for getting the reduced block rate is May 17th!


Shuttle Service between the Hilton and Darby House

June 8, 2024 3:30 pm - 11:30 pm

The shuttles will arrive at the hotel at 3:00pm and leave promptly at 3:30pm to take guests to the venue. **Shuttles are leaving from 401 N. High St, outside the lobby of the “old tower.” They are not coming to the new tower (main conference center entrance). Please ask hotel staff for help so they can direct you!** Shuttles will be running back to the hotel throughout the night, on an as-needed basis, with the final shuttles leaving at 11:30pm. For those driving, there is a parking lot next to the venue and a golf cart will be available to take guests that would like additional assistance getting to the ceremony location. Lastly, no cars can be left in the parking lot overnight! Darby House is a private estate and will not be open on Sunday to retrieve cars.

For all the days along the way
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