Please RSVP by April 22nd on the third page of the website. Please RSVP for each person attending. If you have any other question please contact either one of us.
Semi-formal wear. This is an outdoor wedding so, ladies I would avoid wearing your stilettos! It can get pretty warm during this time of year but it can cool down at night so bring a light jacket.
Of course! We will have water, and both alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages available.
We have a honeymoon fund set up that you may contribute to. This can be done through the website or sent through venmo see details on page 2. We would prefer not to accept any physical gifts because we already have all the household items we need.
Kelly- 541-213-6657 Samuel- 928-642-0275 Stegeman Family Ranch- 1101 Old River Road, Harvard, Idaho 83834