It all began in December of 2015 when Alex moved across the country, and posted an ad on Craigslist looking for a roommate. Kelly and Lloyd responded, invited him over, and he moved into their San Jose, California apartment the next day. A couple years later they both moved to San Francisco, and started dating. Their love was tested when they began long distance - Kelly moved to Austin in November of 2018 and Alex moved to New York the following summer. During the pandemic, Alex moved in with Kelly in Austin and they fell more in love... with breakfast tacos and barbecue. They then moved to New York together in May of 2022. After 7 years of cross country adventures, and many flights to see one another, Alex got down on one knee on the Brooklyn waterfront and asked Kelly to marry him. Now, they begin the journey of being roommates for life, and cannot wait to tie the knot surrounded by their favorite people... and queso.