October 14, 2022
Oconomowoc, WI

Kaylyn + Matthew

    K + M

Matthew Rafferty


Kaylyn Sinkula

October 14, 2022

Oconomowoc, WI

How It All Started

You, me, and the wallabies.

The future love birds met when a massive snowstorm left them stranded in the O’Hare airport before they headed to New Zealand for a college winter break trip. After spending 24+ hours frantically looking for a flight, Matthew let Kaylyn know that he found open seats on a flight leaving in 45 minutes. Without hesitation, Kaylyn booked herself a seat leaving the rest of the group in the dust... Luckily the rest of the group was able to make it on the plane on standby, and they were FINALLY off to New Zealand. Once they made it to the land down under, Matthew decided it wasn’t worth the energy to chase the strawberry blonde, so he spent most of the trip hanging with the guys. That is until one night on Magnetic Island, off the coast of Australia, the two found themselves together in a field looking at the stars. As wallabies hopped around them in the distance, Matthew pulled his go to move—queuing up “Wildest Dreams” by Taylor Swift and suggesting the song was written about him. Never did he think the line would work, but that was all Kaylyn needed to hear.

The Proposal

July 3, 2021

One night while visiting their families back in Wisconsin, Matthew had asked Kaylyn to walk down to his parents' pier after they got back from dinner, where his sister had set up candles, queued up their favorite Adele song, and hid in the bushes. Kaylyn was clueless as to what was happening, so Matthew eventually took her hand and led her down to the pier. As soon as Kaylyn saw the candles, she started giggling and crying at the same time. She was in disbelief that the moment she often dreamed of, and sometimes thought might never happen—hence that week’s rainbow color nail choice—was finally happening. Matthew got down on one knee and barely got out the words before Kaylyn said yes.

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