September 15, 2018 3:45 pm - 4:15 pm
The complimentary shuttle will depart Embassy Suites for the ceremony/reception venue at two times: 3:40 PM and 4:10 PM. The shuttle holds 56 guests, so if you would like to secure your spot on this shuttle, please meet in the lobby of the hotel for either departure time.
September 15, 2018 9:30 pm - 10:30 pm
The complimentary shuttle will depart the reception venue for Embassy Suites at three times: 9:30 PM, 10:00 PM and 10:30 PM. The shuttle holds 56 guests, so if you would like to secure your spot on this shuttle, please meet down on the first floor of SKY Armory for your preferred departure time.
Be sure to mention "Marino/Barbay Wedding" when calling, or enter "MBW" as the discount code when booking online.