Florence airport is a small airport located about 30 minutes from the venue. While there are no direct flights from Boston to Florence, you can fly directly to Frankfurt, Germany or Zurich, Switzerland. Both cities have direct flights to Florence.
There are high speed trains running from Rome to Florence, approximately 1-1/2hour travel time. There is also a regional train option, approximately 3 hours
To make a reservation please email reservations@salviatino.com and events@salviatino.com. Please identify yourself as part of "Kathryn & Wilson Wedding" and provide your first and last name, arrival date, departure date, email address, requested type of room, and passport information. Should you wish to extend past the room block of Friday and Saturday night, there will be a 15% discount. As all events will happen at the Villa, we encourage guests to stay on property.
Travel Note
If you have any questions regarding travel / accommodations, don't hesitate to reach out to us directly! kistlerwedding2023@gmail.com