Update: In light of COVID-19, we wanted to check in and let you know your health and safety are our top priority. We’re still figuring things out and will keep you posted about any changes to our wedding. Thank you for your patience!
Update: In light of COVID-19, we wanted to check in and let you know your health and safety are our top priority. We’re still figuring things out and will keep you posted about any changes to our wedding. Thank you for your patience!
August 14, 2021
Seattle, WA

kathryn & kyle

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Meet our friends and family that are helping us get down the aisle

Katie Burns


Hi everyone! I am so excited to invite you to our wedding! I hope you will be able to come. Kyle and I are looking forward to getting married and are glad that you are joining us.

Maddie Burns

Maid of Honor

Maddie is my little sister so she has been there through it all. She is currently moving back to Seattle after finishing her masters at Boston College.

Katherine Iwanyk


Katherine and I met in high school during our freshman year at HNA running cross country together all four years. We have remained close friends through many life changes and moves.

Lydia McCroskey


Lydia is my cousin! I remember when she was born and I am so glad she is part of my wedding. She is currently in college working on her degree in Spokane, Washington.

Isaac McCroskey


Isaac and I have been friends growing up as cousins. Isaac and Lydia are my cousins on my mom's side of the family. We grew up spending lots of time together going on many adventures.

Angela Maccarrone


Angela and I met freshman year of high school and have been friends ever since. Angela and I attended HNA and Gonzaga together and were also roommates for a few years in college!

Kyle Johnson


Hello and welcome! Katie and I are very excited to bring our friends and family together to celebrate this special occasion.

Alex Westby

Best Man

Alex and I met in high school, lived together during our freshman, junior, and senior years in undergrad, and still find time to see each other. He's been with me through just about everything and is simply an incredible person. It means a lot that he is able to join me for the wedding celebration.

Ryan Haddeland


Ryan and I met at Gonzaga our freshman year. We've gotten into all sorts of trouble through the years and I'm glad he gets to join me in celebrating this very special day.

Mai-Loan Nguyen


Mai Loan and I met in high school. Incredibly sharp and sweet, she is beginning her journey as a medical student at OHSU. I'm very excited she is able to join me for this celebration.

Trevor Baker


Trevor and I met playing football in high school. Since then, he has moved across the United States and is doing a lot of great and meaningful work in healthcare. It is always a special occasion when he gets back to the Pacific Northwest and I'm very glad he is able to join me for this celebration.

Nathan Aneshansley


Nathan and I met in high school, along with Trevor, on the football field. Since then, he too has moved away from the West Coast and has traveled widely and settled into a new home in Boston. It is so nice to have an excuse to see him and have him join me in this celebration.

For all the days along the way
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