You may book rooms within our room block online by clicking the "View" button below. You may also call to make a reservation at the number listed above or 877-SEAPORT and mention that you are with the Murray/Basiliere wedding. Please book as soon as possible as availability is limited.
Logan offers a number of flight options and is a quick ~15 minute drive from the Seaport District, with Ubers and other Ride Shares always available. You may also take the Silver Line from Terminal B to the World Trade Center stop which is just next store to the Seaport Hotel.
If you plan to travel by train or bus from out of town, we recommend dropping off at South Station. This is a ~5 minute drive from the Seaport District, with Uber and other Ride Shares always available, or you can take the Silver Line from South Station to the World Trade Center stop which is just next store to the Seaport Hotel. If you need to stretch your legs after traveling you can even walk which will take ~20 minutes.