Guests can book at a discounted rate with our room block using the link attached. The group rate code is KSW. You can also call directly at 315-253-4531 and mention group block code KSW to reserve a room. The hotel will release any unreserved rooms on April 1st, 2024, so we recommend booking at your earliest convenience.
Discount Code - KSW
Guests can book with our room block by referencing the Krebs Simpson Wedding and using the links below. This hotel is conveniently located in the heart of the Skaneateles village. Sherwood Inn: Arbor House: On February 3, 2024 the rooms will be released for general booking.
Guests can book with our room block by referencing the Krebs Simpson Wedding. On March 3rd, the rooms will be released back into the hotel inventory for general booking.
We recommend the Syracuse Hancock International Airport for those that will be flying.