
Kate & Steve

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Meet our wedding party!

Claire Lonneman

Maid of Honor

While 15 month old Kate wanted to be an only child, I could not imagine going through life without my sister! Even though she is my little sister, I often find myself going to Claire for advice, and I know I can always count on her to have my back. From getting locked in a cemetery, traveling to many countries, and so many euchre victories (team possum!), I couldn't imagine anyone else to stand with me as my co-maid of honor!

Joe Tabler

Best Man

For those of you who don't know, this is my older brother, Joe. For years, I called him my big brother. However, as I grew, older brother seemed more accurate. He is also the guy who convinced me to try making things with my hands. "Do something other than playing video games. Here is some scrap leather, play with that!" A man who inspires a passion like that is the sort of person you would want to support you on the most important day of your life. Love you broseph

Elizabeth Lonneman

Maid of Honor

I am beyond thrilled to have Eli standing by my side as my co-maid of honor! Eli has such a huge heart, and she brings so much love and brightness into my life. Eli is definitely the go to girl for fashion advice, a custom skin care routine, pep-talks, and much needed treat-your-self days! I am so lucky to have Eli as my sister!

Chad Hargadon

Best Man

Doback, My brother from another mother. As such, my other best man. Wooooooow! How far we come from the kids that met in classroom 1B. I've always imagined you with me in the important moments of my life. When the Zelda sticker was put on my car, you were with me. When I had to suit up for prom, you were with me. And now, I look forward to having you dressed to nines with me while doves fly behind us in slow motion, at my wedding. I hope Mom doesn't ask me to do the dishes last minute! OSMFWDHBTSYMATCSMFS!

Anna Tabler


I am so excited to gain Anna as my sister-in-law! I met Anna when I first started dating Steve, and right off the bat I knew I loved her personable energy and infectious, fun-loving personality! Anna is always game to join in the fun and keep a positive attitude, even if that means heading out on a midnight run for water when the water goes out in our cabin! I am thrilled we will officially be family!

Blake Andrew


I met Blake during our first year at Bellarmine. I wouldn't have expected that I would become friends with the Jock-Hipster who worked at Under Armor and played a lot of sports. However, I found we had a lot more in common when he showed me his Star-Wars burger king toys from 2005. He also has completed all levels of Lego Star-Wars at "True Jedi" difficulty. I am honored to have a true Jedi supporting me at my wedding!

Danny Peavler


Danny and I met our freshman year of high school during a service outing! He has been my rock ever since, and is always up to invent a new gourmet grilled cheese with me or meet up for a 7 am coffee! Danny is the Batman to my Robin and the Arthur to my Merlin. Any friend who can grow with me through high-school, college, and adulthood is definitely a friend I know I will have for life!

Mary-Kate Determann


I met Mary-Kate junior year of high school. The soccer player who worked at Lazer Blaze. After a couple years of friendship she even convinced me to join the crew as "Scuba-Steve"! That has brought me many fond memories and relationships. I believe that someone who wanted to share and can bring that kind of experience to my life is the kind of person you want to support you on your wedding day, as a Grooms-gal!

Claire Feldman


When I was little, I really wanted my own twin. Thank goodness I grew up with my cousin Claire to be my built in twin! As kids, our parents made sure we got to spend weeks together over the summer as we could not wait until Thanksgiving every year to see each other! So lucky to have the best Thing 2 and euchre partner out there!

Brian Wiech


Hey look! It's Brian Wiech! I thought I had first met Brian in high school. But only a couple of years ago, we realized we were in the same preschool class! Go TJ Turtles! I also learned that Brian got to be the lucky volunteer to try on the firefighter's equipment. I think I must have known in the moment, subconsciously, that was the qualification in and of itself to be one of my groomsmen! Not to mention all of the shenanigans we've shared!

Amanda Ketterer


Amanda and I met at Bellarmine in nursing school, but found out later that we worked at Coney Island together without knowing each other! We have been camp nurses together, roommates, and best pals since college! Hide a tray of cinnamon rolls from the rest of the study group together, and the rest is history!

Andrew Shanks


"Andrew, remember me? We met on the U of L campus tour!" Thank goodness I always wear essentially the same clothes, which is how you recognized me when our paths crossed again at Bellarmine. You honor me by standing with me at my wedding.

Morgan Zachary


Once Morgan and I made it through freshman year anatomy class at Bellarmine, I knew she would be by my side through our first few years as nurses together! Morgan is always up for an adventure, whether that be going to adopt a dog, a shopping day, or a late night taco run! So happy to have her standing with me through this next adventure!

Austin Hart


Also known as "The Mighty Austini". Don't know where I came up with that, he just is. But it could be attributed to his introduction to me. I met Austin at Bellarmine. What made him stick out to me was when he told me he could eat 3 feet-worth of sandwiches as long as it was from Penn Station. That is a feat of strength if there ever was one! Perfect groomsmen material!

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