In May of 2019, Kelsey and Kate both stepped onto the Princeton campus. Kelsey only showed up with a pile of dirty laundry and hopes for her unfinished thesis, while Kate ubered across campus every morning. The two hated all the other fellows, unsure of their future in the program. Just a few words were exchanged, little did they know of what was to grow...
Fast forward two months, the two reunited one faithful evening in a mediocre Thai restaurant inside of a mall. The two would spend a crazy weekend, exploring the nightlife in Yangon. They would soon embark on a four-day trek across the Myanmar countryside that would prove to be the foundation of what was to come. The two became fast friends and developed a routine of cafe hopping, working out, eating dumplings, and watching Terrace House. Soon enough, Kelsey had her own towel at Kate's apartment. They spent very little time apart. The two started to explore the country and region together, from Laos to Ngwe Saung. This culminated in a deeply romantic joint birthday trip in a private beach bungalow on the Andaman Sea. The two would take swigs of gin, play cards, and skinny dip in the bioluminescent water. It was beautiful. Taking another big step, their families finally met one another during the holiday season and handshakes quickly turned to hugs. The two reaffirmed their commitment to one another by deciding to stay in Yangon for another year. But then, tragedy struck...
In March of 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic shocked the world. Princeton in Asia cut their fellows loose and Kate and Kelsey had no choice but to say their tearful goodbyes. They knew this wasn't the end but it didn't make it any easier. They both flew back home to be with their families but never lost touch. Kelsey decided to make the move to DC in the fall of 2020. But, by then, the two were feeling the distance and Kelsey put in the legwork to convince Kate to move in with her in DC. It was an easy sell. The two decided to celebrate finding the perfect apartment by reuniting in Hawaii, and once again, celebrated their birthdays together. By signing the lease, they had a renewed sense of hope for the upcoming year...
Once again, the universe tried to keep K&K apart. On January 6th, a group of insurrectionists stormed the Capitol, challenging the 2020 presidential results. It was a dark day for our democracy and an especially dark day for K&K. Nevertheless, they persisted. Kelsey stocked the van in New Hampshire with all the necessary amenities so the two could survive a disease-plagued and war-torn DC. They spent their first few months nesting and making elaborate meals for one another. They got into a routine of morning workouts and late-night walks. During their DC era, K&K found a community of like-minded intellectuals and scholars. When the city started opening up, although wary, K&K were excited and entered what will be known as their bacchanal era. Nothing embodies this more than their 18-hour Fourth of July excursion, where they drank and ate to their heart's desires (we do not support America). They traveled the US, from Minneapolis to New York to New Hampshire (Kelsey also went to Hawaii again, much to everyone's confusion). And, for the third year in a row, K&K once again spent their birthdays together, throwing an unforgettable party for all their many friends. (Fuck you, Timmy) Kelsey went through some dark times but Kate was always there to support her along the way. Their relationship only grew. They saw each other at their best and at their worst. They had to learn how to grow on their own and build lives outside of each other, while always coming back at the end of the day to reunite.
Although their time together in their cozy DC apartment is coming to a close, they've managed to make every moment meaningful. K&K turned their home into a refuge for the lost and weary, hosting many throughout the year (such as Megha Nidhi Poddar multiple times). They learned much about what a healthy and happy relationship was like, and K&K were just happy to be mentors. The couple announced their engagement on September 21st, 2022 to close friends and family. Annie was ecstatic, while Milky was morose. Before the ceremony, they will be traveling to New Orleans as part of their bachelorette party. Unfortunately, due to Kate's desire to become the best aunt in the world and Kelsey's career aspirations, K&K will be moving out of their shared home in December. But this is not the end for them, only another speed bump in the road. This wedding is a commitment to their love, respect, and shared aspirations for a life together (which is not bound to liminal space or time). In order to make the distance more bearable, the couple has aspirations to reunite for a romantic honeymoon in the wooded paradise of New Zealand, which would be Kate's first international trip since the pandemic. However, these two civil servants are barely making ends meet (round of applause for hitting a joint 6-figure household recently!). They hope and pray that through the generosity of their friends that this can be made a reality. Always being social pioneers, they look forward to sharing a blended family by raising a child together.