This is one of the hotel options where we have a room block. Follow the view button for this hotel to book at our discounted rates. Last Day to Book: Friday, October 13, 2023
This is one of the hotel options where we have a room block. Follow the "View" button for this hotel to book at our discounted rates. Last Day to Book: Tuesday, October 10, 2023
Travel Note
There are many good Airbnb options close to the Downtown Mall and they are a great affordable option for groups or families.
Travel Note
Water Street Garage 200 E Water St, Charlottesville, VA 22902 $1 per half hour with $12 daily maximum per ticket issued This garage is located directly behind The Bradbury, so it is where we recommend you park for the reception, but it is also great for visiting the Downtown Mall at any point over the weekend.
We do NOT have a room block here but highly recommend this option if you prefer more luxury accommodations. $$$
We do NOT have a room block here but recommend this as another boutique hotel option. $$$
RIC is an hour and 15 minutes from Downtown Charlottesville.